First of all, the photography in the vid is very good and that should be the starting point.
At this section (~12:00) you are comparing two lighting set ups.

To my eye, the one on the left is "better" and the exposure on the right is slightly greater. I tend to try to focus my eye on particular spots for comparisons and, in this case, the 'embossed' orange label/tag. On the left there is clearly better detail. Again, they are both very good.
Coincidentally, I was shooting an RPi PICO with a still camera and took a break (because my back was killing me) and watched the vid. If I am motivated, I use a copy stand with a light diffusing tent, a light board under, two side lights and a light from above. I deal with overexposure stuff all the time. Below is a clearly overexposed shot, but, look at the detail on the chip to the right of the RP2040 - that is the detail I wanted. I could not "meter" my way out of the overexposure and still get the detail.

This one is not as over-exposed, and if I had to pick, it would be this one, but reading that same chip's printing is more difficult.

Not sure what my amateur photographer point is, but while yes, you want more light, you want it in certain places and not others (which again makes me think about the camera's metering modes). Optimizing that for different sized boards is a skill or art that I still struggle with.