Nice meter, though 20A DC measurement, with a 10A fuse...... Guess it is the same current shunt, just with the "30 seconds maximum" there to prevent you blowing the fuse too often.
Waiting for Joe to blow it up, and if it will survive the grill starter lowest energy test that he has. My bets are it might just barely pass, but will fail on the higher energy tests. But at least they spent the 30c and added in the 3 MOV's to it.
I was recently asked about this meter and was told they had copied many of my changes to the 61E. Doing a quick search, I didn't come across a schematic for it.
The 61E would fail the first round of tests, pretty much like most UNI-T products I've looked at. I gave up some of the frequency response to improve it's ability to handle an ESD event. The PTCs were replaced and MOVs were added to handle the slower waveforms.
The 61E had some of the worse burden voltages I have seen. I had added a gain stage to improve one of the ranges.
It had the worse temperature drift, second to my CEM meter. I used a diode and resistor to compensate the reference. It's now one of my more stable meters.
They had placeholders for the larger fuses which I took advantage of. I then designed and constructed a new shunt for it. Some of the PCB had to be beefed up.
This meter would take some abuse now as I have shown in my testing.