Author Topic: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers  (Read 17468 times)

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EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:57:32 pm »
First off, a big thank you to Dave for addressing the concerns I had. You've definitely given me some brilliant advice and confirmed some of my own thoughts.

Thankfully my personal projects do still keep my enthusiasm in electronics, even when I try hard to escape them there's something about electronics that keeps bringing me back!

P.S. I was already one step ahead of you with the "Screw you" money!  ;)

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Offline mitpatterson

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 03:09:14 pm »
First off, a big thank you to Dave for addressing the concerns I had. You've definitely given me some brilliant advice and confirmed some of my own thoughts.

Thankfully my personal projects do still keep my enthusiasm in electronics, even when I try hard to escape them there's something about electronics that keeps bringing me back!

P.S. I was already one step ahead of you with the "Screw you" money!  ;)

I agree, thanks Dave, i'm not a "Proffesional in the industy" or anything, but still alot of it applies to any field, i loved the one where he compared the people in the department to "seagulls" saying "mine," "mine," loved that and the "screw you money." a Big THUMBS up to Dave(Jones) and to David for prompting the blog

Offline JohnS_AZ

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 04:34:53 pm »
Dave, great blog. My 35 years backs up everything you've said.

I would only add that screw-you money is also "you can't screw me" money. Some of the most miserable times in my career were when I was in a large company when everyone knew that layoffs or down-sizing was coming. Luckily I dodged the bullet each time, but having a bigger nest egg would have saved me more than a few sleepless nights and a hell of a lot of stress.

The MINIMUM goal is that you should have enough set aside so that you can cover all of your living expenses for 6 months without employment.
The trick, of course, is keeping that savings intact after you get married and have a kid or two.  :)

The biggest mistake I've made through my career? Not contributing the maximum allowed to my retirement plans.
The smartest thing? Paying off my house.
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Offline Boloop

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2011, 01:06:32 am »
Thanks for the tips, I myself will be graduating soon and will keep these points in mind. I have worked at another place before and it did seemed exciting as I was working on my own little project at the time I was there. And my superior was pretty happy to say that this was my own project. It was a piece of equipment to be used in house. So it wouldn't be too much of a failure if it fell through. It was mostly testing the waters, an ideal job for a student I guess.

Also,  will take the "screw you" money into account. I have been thinking of general strategies of what to do with my money when I start earning. Mostly I want to get rid of all my student loans as soon as. But I think debt will just be the way of life. And I guess if the heavies aren't knocking at my door, I shouldn't have to worry too much about it.


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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2011, 01:33:36 am »
Great blog Dave, would definitely like more of this type. These are the sort of things textbooks, university or google cannot tell you, yet they are so important!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 01:45:52 am by Alex »

Offline DavidTopic starter

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2011, 01:31:21 pm »
Mostly I want to get rid of all my student loans as soon as. But I think debt will just be the way of life. And I guess if the heavies aren't knocking at my door, I shouldn't have to worry too much about it.

That is one thing I really wouldn't do. Read what Martin Lewis has to say about it here (Very good advice):
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Offline off-by-one

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2011, 10:18:38 pm »
Great tips Dave.

I'm in the process of looking for a new job and also figuring out what is it exactly that I want to do. I kind of would like to do the whole process myself, but I know how frustrating it can be at times if there's no help available. I'm afraid of getting a "one man band" job because I'm not that experienced. I'm bad at risk taking and I guess that's somewhat holding me back.
As a part of a team, it would be less stressful and also a team can accomplish greater things than just a single person. Still I don't want to be a part of a huge corporation because of the bureaucracy. I've been looking for smallish companies with tens or hundreds of employees.

Problem is that I don't know what these engineering positions usually are like. So I don't know what to expect and what is realistic to want. I Recently stumbled on a interesting thing called informational interview which seems like a good idea to get information about real life jobs, but I don't know if these are that common in our field and how would one arrange something like this. I also like the Describe your engineering job thread here. I wish there was more detailed information like this available. Someone should start interviewing professionals about their work. Hint ;)

I've saved some "screw you money" and I'm really tempted to just quit and take some time off. But I should first plan how to make good use of that time.

Offline tinsmith

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Re: EEVblog #138 – Top 5 Tips for Graduate Engineers
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2011, 11:37:54 pm »
Good video. I was sadly under the impression that it was targeted at graduate students in EE rather than graduates of EE. But even so, a lot of it translates if you substitute PHDComics for Dilbert.

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