Probably best not order 555 timers, battery holders and 5 tonnes of farm fertiliser on the same day 
Not quite on the same scale, but this reminds me of an experience I had once. I went into a Lowes home improvement store, to pick up supplies for a couple of different projects. In the end my cart wound up holding a shovel, a sledgehammer, a Sawzall, and about 8 rolls of duct tape. So I get in line, and am waiting to checkout when the guy in line in front of me happens to glance back... after a few seconds he turns back around and goes "I don't know what the hell you're doing, but I wish I hadn't looked because now I'm afraid I'll be charged as an accessory" (paraphrased slightly from memory, this was a long time ago).
It took me a second or two to even understand what he was talking about, because in my mind, each of the things I was buying was for a different, specific purpose. But yeah, when you put it all together, in hindsight, that did look a touch suspicious...