Hi Dave,
glad to see the package made it. I already feared it had gotten lost on the way to down under as it has been several months since shipping. Quite the queue for the mailbag I guess.
Anyway, here's some background on it:
Bobs face was taken from an old Linear Technology Ad found here:
http://analogfootsteps.blogspot.com/2014/02/guru-1-bob-widlar.htmlTo vectorize the image and reduce it to 4 colours, I used Inkscape which took a lot of experimenting wih the import filters.
The result still had to be edited manually to remove details that were simply to small to be manufactured.
Kicad 6 has recently gained a convenient way to import graphics, however, this PCB was still done in KiCad 5.
I used a script called svg2shenzen found here:
https://github.com/badgeek/svg2shenzhenHad I known that Kicad 6 was getting that feature just weeks later, I'd have waited and saved myself a lot of trouble

I was thinking about adding more of Bob's brilliant parts, however, I changed my mind after having had much more trouble getting just the three parts than expected.
Of course the absolute nerd thing to do would be hunting down parts from the very first production week. That is probably impossible without getting the help from old LT staff.
It looks very nice with the parts fitted on the wall of my lab:

Once the mailbag episode becomes available I'll open a thread with the project files and the gerbers.