Oh really?
Freerouting is actually not half bad for an autorouter. I've definitely seen way worse.
I think you misunderstood me. I tried Freerouting a couple of times and was pleasantly surprised.
What I wanted to express was that I think the results of Freerouting will likely be better (or at least not worse) than those of DeepPCB.
Yep your sentence looked ambiguous as to which one would be worse. Thus my answer.
That said, 3 general points regarding autorouting even with Freerouting:
1. Autorouting 1- or 2-layer PCBs is almost always atrocious unless it's a dead-simple circuit. Especially the routing of power supplies and grounds.
2. You should never let an autorouter route 100% of your PCB from scratch. The few times I have used Freerouting (on large boards with a lot of non-critical digital signals), I have routed all power supplies and bypass capacitors manually, then let the autorouter finish the job. Then hand-corrected a few traces.
3. Related to 1, if you can use 4-layer or more, define your power planes beforehand (for Freerouting, there's a documented way of doing it so that the autorouter knows about your power planes). In this case, you can do without hand-routing power supplies in most cases (except for routing switching power supplies, which can be disastrous with an autorouter). Also define net classes. Preparing a PCB for autorouting takes a while, don't expect it to be a 2-second point & click affair.