Hi all,
I need your opinion on buying my first oscilloscope for my lab. I am a hobbyist repairing old PCs (386sx - 286 - 8088 etc) and so far, I am doing well with just my soldering station and my D.Multimeter that can measure also frequency up to 40MHz (just measurement, no sin wave forms or any graphics).
Unfortunately, I need to check my old PS/2 386sx-20 that went rogue and when I probe the clock freq. pad of the processor I read just KHz...
Is it because the actual frequency coming from the crystal is out of range? Obviously, it is time to buy an oscilloscope and the budget is really tight.
---- Question to the forum -----
What is the minimum Analog MHz BW that my first oscilloscope should have to get meaningful readings on crystal oscillators and data buses of old 16-32bit machines? Can I do something with a 20MHz dirty cheap analog oscilloscope?
Thank you all for your patience ...