The beauty of buzzwords. Terms devoid of meaning so much, that you can call anything “AI” or “deep”! After all the user can’t verify it.
My initial guess was, that this is just a “traditional” autorouter. But it seems the company does some research in machine learning, which suggests that the router may contain this technology. The questions remain: how much of it? How it is used? Does it even have any real impact on the solutions?
From the video two things may be guessed. Some kind of a recursive optimization approach is used. The program clearly has some initial guesses and tries to make them better, quickly getting trapped in a local extremum. This doesn’t leave much space for ML algorithms. Secondly, the model it uses is based on 2-dimensional cartesian planes, not a graph describing the solution. This is a much weaker guess, but the number of weirdly shaped traces seems way too big for the latter.
Which is sad, because it’s just “throw a smortnet against the wall and see if it sticks”. Instead of trying to solve the problem using the most appropriate mathematical abstraction and using ML to improve or avoid the hardest steps.