EEVblog > EEVblog Specific

EEVblog 1540 - The $80 Zotek ZT-702S Osciloscope Multimeter REVIEW

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There's a firmware update available.  Not sure what it fixes.  I've installed it succesfully, just haven't done any extensive testing.

Looks semi encrypted. Well obfuscated at least as there are some repeating patterns that look like blank space.  Not very well encrypted if so.


--- Quote from: Zebble on June 29, 2023, 01:29:30 am ---There's a firmware update available.  Not sure what it fixes.  I've installed it succesfully, just haven't done any extensive testing.

--- End quote ---

What version is this? Mine came with v1.03.48


--- Quote from: Harvey17 on July 01, 2023, 03:29:33 pm ---
--- Quote from: Zebble on June 29, 2023, 01:29:30 am ---There's a firmware update available.  Not sure what it fixes.  I've installed it succesfully, just haven't done any extensive testing.

--- End quote ---

What version is this? Mine came with v1.03.48

--- End quote ---

I have just upgraded the firmware, not sure what it fixes either but will go and have a play. There is a short video on upgrading, and it was simple enough. After the upgrade it went from V1.03.48 to V1.03.51. Considering I paid $1500 for an analog basic scope in the late 80’s and $800 for my Siglent  SDS1104X-E scope this $100 dollar AU thing is far better than the 80’s scope and of course not a patch on the Siglent. I think it is great for a portable cheap scope or a beginners scope.


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