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EEVblog 1545 - World's Fastest Oscilloscope, MXO4 TEARDOWN
David Hess:
--- Quote from: nctnico on June 03, 2023, 06:05:23 pm ---Dual buffering is the generic approach to do acquisitions in every DSO. If you look close to the specs of a DSO you can see some have more memory in single shot and/or sequence mode.
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None of my DSOs double buffer simply because it would have required two completely separate memory banks with duplicate hardware. A single memory bank could not sustain access from the digitizer and the processor simultaneously. On older DSOs double buffering might not yield any improvement if the analog trigger took too long to read and rearm.
Then your DSOs must be really old :) Even the Keysight Megazoom Asic does double buffering.
--- Quote from: nctnico on June 03, 2023, 08:11:34 pm ---Then your DSOs must be really old :) Even the Keysight Megazoom Asic does double buffering.
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how much percentage of blind time do you know?
the MXO 4 has at least 4 GB for temporary information storage for operating system and instrument firmware and >= 7 GB for waveform data and measurement data.
Such information can be found in the "R&S®MXO 4 Series Oscilloscope Instrument Security Procedures"
Best regards
David Hess:
--- Quote from: nctnico on June 03, 2023, 08:11:34 pm ---Then your DSOs must be really old :) Even the Keysight Megazoom Asic does double buffering.
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With an ASIC it makes a lot of sense because the extra multiplexing hardware can be integrated. I am curious about their fast RAM implementation.
With older DSOs it was a struggle just to make the acquisition RAM fast enough without wider word widths, and this shows up with multiple channels not only halving the record length but the sampling rate also, so double buffering would have come at considerable cost.
All of the designs I came up with a couple years ago were either limited by the RAM which could fit on the acquisition FPGA, or the processor's cache size. The cost of external memory was too high for what I was considering.
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