Thinking of unique electronics related installations in Australia to visit have you thought of the Hornsdale Power Reserve, ie: the Tesla Big Battery.
Is it too far from you for a visit? How is it doing now? In particular with the initial fire and contract issues...
Another one might be the SKA (Square Kilometer Array) if the building process has started.
Just mentioned doing tours like this in another thread.
I'd like to do a lot of these, but ultimately the travel costs come out of my pocket.
The Youtube views pay a pittance, and I'm not sure my Patreons would want me spending the Patreon money on such stuff?

Flights, rental car, accomodation, and meals all add up.
It's not that I won't be because of this, I'm actively looking at planning a trip to the Siding Springs obversatory I was invited to tour. But if I do a lot fo them then it all adds up.