This thing, and your search for the power switch, reminds me of a somewhat wild story from work

We have similar large format printers from Canon.
One of these printers had an issue recently after a service. It was called in as "Would not wake from sleep". An inspection quickly showed: The printer was turned off. Well, can happen, we switched it back on, told the local ladies where the switch is, and thought it resolved.
Next day, the printer was again switched off. Ok, told the ladies to not turn off the printer again please, and switched it back on.
Next day, the printer was again switched off. We got various assurances that no one there turned it off. We suspected the cleaning crew or the night watchman, but oddly only this one of the several printers we have was turned off.
This continued for a couple of days, until we taped the switch cover shut.
Next day, the printer was again turned off, but the tape was not tampered with.
It turns out: This bloody printer actually has a servo in the power switch that is able to physically flip the switch to off, to eke out the last bit of power savings.

And remember the service it had? The service tech forgot to disable the setting when the mainboard of the printer was replaced.

What a ghost chase

Luckily our internal techs are very diplomatic infront of the users, so no blame was directly assigned. But internally we were so damn sure that someone in that department was turning the printer off without telling us.