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EEVblog 1633 - WAVJA Photon Energy System BUSTED - Part 1


The WAVJA Photon Energy System is supposed to generate up to 60x the output of regular solar panels using balls made of magical patented woo-woo material.
Let's bust that claim right open with Dave's superior Photon Irradiance Solar System technology!
Part 1
Part 2 looks at the patent.

00:00 - WAVJA Photon Energy System on Hack-a-Day
01:51 - This looks totally legit, so I BUILT MY OWN! The Photon Irradiance Solar System
04:15 - My balls work in near darkness! And produce 5 TIMES the power as WAVJA!
05:43 - What's that you can smell?
06:52 - It's got AI?
06:31 - Let's watch the video and the claims made...
07:16 - Does it generate or absorb luminosity? It's a tad confusing...
08:10 - 30 times smaller and 7.5x the output of solar panels!
08:57 - Capturing solar power is all about the Capture Area, dummy!
09:44 - It captures light and then WHAT?
10:43 - It's Over-Unity BS!
11:39 - It's got storage? 24 hour operation !
12:59 - Their test setup and "power meter" results are demonstable BS!
16:12 - Roughly 0.1W per ball, SO revolutionary!
16:25 - The "charge" just comes from a commercial power bank, LOL! They have NOTHING!
16:25 - Only 3000 hours to charge your Electric Truck battery pack
17:05 - It gets MORE RIDICULOUS! Flying cars, shipping container drones, electric trucks!
18:47 - The Patent &  the Founders
19:59 - Where does the light go? I'm confused...
20:41 - Conclusion
21:57 - I'm GIVING AWAY my P.I.S.S Technology!



--- Quote from: EEVblog on August 01, 2024, 09:11:30 am ---The WAVJA Photon Energy System is supposed to generate up to 60x the output of regular solar panels using balls made of magical patented woo-woo material.
Let's bust that claim right open with Dave's superior Photon Irradiance Solar System technology!
Part 1

21:57 - I'm GIVING AWAY my P.I.S.S Technology!

--- End quote ---

Weak sauce. You'd think they would have at least name dropped Nikola Tesla or something. But at least graphene did eventually make an appearance, so give them points for that. And the "AI chip". That bit was gold.

I had watched Sabine Hossenfelder's video on it as well. 

25 KW on a 12mm ball ? Sounds like the AB 619 model bead condenser to me . . . 

Are they members of "Electronics Service Unit No.16" ?   :-DD


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