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EEVblog 1653 - Alkaline Battery Leakage Testing 2 - Electric Boogaloo
Revisiting the alkaline battery leakage testing with a 555 circuit from a viewer.
Final results of the first leakage testing:
I thought I saw the title before... yes:
--- Quote from: amyk on November 21, 2024, 03:24:52 am ---I thought I saw the title before... yes:
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It's kinda odd that the viewer you speak of would suggest a resistor value for a circuit which you found to not work.
Something else to consider is that if you leave the 1K resistor in the third LED blinker than you might not get the same results. I mean that in total the circuits draw 88mA maximum discharging but with only two of them discharging, you'll only be getting ~60mA maximum discharge or ~30mA for two circuits as opposed to ~30mA for three circuits. You might want to make a different circuit as the indicator.
--- Quote from: ballsystemlord on November 21, 2024, 05:35:03 am ---It's kinda odd that the viewer you speak of would suggest a resistor value for a circuit which you found to not work.
--- End quote ---
He read the resistor colour code backwards, it's 100k instead of 130R
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