while testing my
Battery Powered PSU for Portable Rigol DS1000E/Z i got a unstable condition that the DSO stopped and crashed with random color on the screen. when i restart the DSO, the CH1 trace is missing, when doing recalibration, CH2 trace is missing, now both are missing even though countless self-cal and tinkering was done. i suspect it experiences another calibration data corruption as i've experienced about 11 years ago. Drieg helped me fixed my cal corruption before and i still keep the firmware ver 2.0.2, the problem is... i've upgraded the 1052E to ver 4.2.1 sometime ago, and now it refuses to downgrade back to 2.0.2 to do the calibration repair.
but i think i will insist on downgrading to 2.0.2 because it was easier to repair in that version. so based on Drieg's OP post i have no other option than re-flashing the FW through JTAG. i've not found a way in the net to downgrade ver4 to ver2 using USB drive, i've spent many hours today try to read this thread, to recap where i was 11 years ago, and to blow the dust and setup my old knock off Segger J-Link for JTAG flashing. installed the TopJTAG and i have 20 days left to get all this done before it expires and ask for $100.
our dear friend here indicated he used J-Link Edu, but i only have knock off J-Link laying around. based on Drieg's post, i only have to connect to Blackfin's JTAG interface to access Spansion flash, so i did the minimalist connection based on
ivi_yak's diagrams posted earlier,
i skipped the resistor thing and connection to lattice JTAG thinking that it should be ok. turn the dso on, run the TopJTAG and try to detect the JTAG chain, unfortunately none is detected. so i'm out of trick this late night, i'm asking for help and idea on what i'm doing wrong. attached pictures are my setup.2nd night edit: i managed to get jlink to detect the blackfin device with the following edited attachment, next thing is to figure what is the flash address and static pins means in topjtag setting

hope to hear from you people thanks.