Author Topic: EEVblog 1660 - AC Basics Tutorial Part 4: Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors  (Read 1156 times)

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Part 4 in the AC basics tutorial series. AC applied to resistors, capacitors and inductors, along with Capacitive Reactance and Inductive reactance.

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Offline golden_labels

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When I was still a newbie, I had some trouble grasping this. Fortunately I still remember why!

I was still caught in a simple, instantenous model of the circuit.(1) If I saw a voltage source connected to a capacitor, my thinking was like that. When the voltage changes, the capacitor must instantly have the same voltage. So how is the current offset in phase?

It was also not obvious, how this relates to circuits with multiple elements.

Now I have a different mental model. But there must be countless novices facing similar obstacles. I doubt my younger self was unique. Mentioning this, because it’s hard to un-see and un-know things, and to recall one’s own earlier mental models. But it just happens in this case I can, so maybe it will be helpful in providing more help to beginners.

(1) In fact it was a wider problem. Not knowing all these are “just” mathematical models and not “true reality.” Trapped in the naïve model too, one we build trying to interpret/explain things in familiar terms.
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