I'm no fuse expert, I can only guess why they would put a 630 ma glass fuse (rated at 250v) in series with the 3 A 600V fuse. Were the larger fuses not available in that small a range? Did they want 630 ma protection for the ma range, but want the larger fuse for situations where the glass fuse may not work? Or was it supposed to be the ceramic 630 ma fuse? I'd like to get the answer.
I'm not sure about what to use to remove the label without damaging the meter. My worst label was OK considering the rest of the meter, I've never replaced one. Do you mind telling me the seller's name? I always need parts.
There are two different LCDs, as there are three for the 70 series. The two 27 types are interchangeable. (The early two 70 series types are interchangeable.) I'm guessing they were trying for a "more modern appearance."
If the LCD only flickers in the ohms range, check the MOVs and the protection resistor. It's been awhile since I've seen this on a 27.
On one or two occasions, I've had to change the board with the micro on it - I guess I could have just changed the chip, but I'd have had to take one off another board, so why not change the whole board?