Something being "worth" depends a lot on how much money one has.
hmm, i think you wrong. It depends on how much money you could get in the same time if you would
simply work during this time instead of "wasting for repair".
Each every "free" hour we have can be calculated back to money, each time you don't go to work
(because you wish to have your free time just because you wasted it before by doing your hobby)
you can count that money.
Of course not every have a job, or not everybody really care about the free time (e.g. while writing this
i wasted time anyway, so it could be sometimes to "use it" more useful instead of typing ugly long text)
Actually, I try to repair everything before giving up and buying a new device.
yeah, i still remember my Yokogawa Signal Gen repair. Due the moisture (actually i think it was cup of coffe and an idiot)
one of the PCBs was complettly broken and another one partially. I had to restore many digital and analog traces - and
parts as well. I got the Gen dirt cheap, so i spend only "time" and parts. Finally, after i counted only the parts i was
already over the "used gear" price, not funny eh. And of course, i spend a week!, to restore the PCB.
So finally i spend, with work hours and parts, about 3k USD. For that money i could nearly buy a new one.
But yeah, i does not means that i gived up and not repairing things anymore, sure i do it still. However
for most thigns - unless it's just really unique or really cool thing - i'm calculating the time and money i wish
to invest, and if i'm over the limit then i'm simply stopping (and selling such things for few bucks to compensate a bit).
In Dave's case, in ym opinion, he reached the limit already.
Auction it for charity.
yeah, good idea