I read the whole thread and didn't find a satisfactory answer to my problem. Hopefully, over the time, there will be a way to restore my programmer. I bought the TL866II plus programmer. After installing the software from the manufacturer's website there was a requirement to upgrade the software. It was done and one evening everything worked normally. The problem occurred the next day when the programmer stopped being detected by the laptop and only the red LED lights. Unfortunately, the programmer manufacturer does not respond. Up untill this point I did not know about this forum and because I needed to work I bought the same programmer just from another vendor. I installed the software from the supplied CD but there was still a problem with the USB driver failures. Therefore, I installed the latest software from the manufacturer's website and had the firmware updated. Everything went well up untill to almost 100 percent. Suddenly the installation firmware was terminated and the programmer has not been detected by the laptop since then. Only the red LED on the programmer is lit and the yellow LED flashes quickly as if no USB driver is available. But it is installed. I tried to install the entire operating system again, but the result is the same. I use W7 32bit. I'll be grateful for any idea ...