That's something sold as In Serial Circuit Programmer should do with just the /CS /HOLD function for the supported configuration.
The board I'm currently testing (DQ57TM|DQ77MK|DX58SO|DX58SO2) are simple desktop board, no quartz freeze or other hardware escamotage are required by user to reprogram the BIOS in off-line mode (NO POWER | NO BATTERY with only PSU ATX connected for the GND routing | VCC programmer ).
The older ( 10 sec BUSY ) W25Q16BV or W25Q16AV or the other W25Q64FV on the latter doesn't have an documented hardware reset pin and will not recognize any standard SPI instruction when powered up in the last "wrong" (QUAD) condition. Maybe raising /CS and then lowering could reset the AX condition and driving the /CS low and then shifting the 03h instruction followed by 24-bit address (A23-A0) into the DI pin could change the operational state, anyway, something not in user hand with the software provided on the TL866II PLUS.
The PCH may have it's own but I have not yet found how and by the way on the DX58SO|DX58SO2 it's not implemented to do anything without the battery @ software level.
Other hardware programmers ( I'm actually checking on most currently as per today available ) [with these board] sold with a price tag as hardware MCU\SPI\ICPS\ISP (no custom devboard) doesn't awake other component on the circuit except for the PWR_LED and the selected chip by just connecting the clip.
Few of these MCU\SPI\ICPS\ISP programmer read, write and verify the full content.
Other read and the content mismatch by lot percentage [I'm working on the signal quality on these] but unlike some few cheap programmer ( fully powering on everything 3v3 without any operation ) the TL866II PLUS can't even detect the ID while in-circuit, desoldering is not an option right now, thanks for the mild suggestion.
I will solder an composite chip carrier SOW8 type (ACA-SPI-004-K01) someday down the point when I'm done checking the status.