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EEVblog #411 - MiniPro TL866 Universal Programmer Review

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AMR Labs:
Where could I possibly download or check a list of the devices supported by this TL866 programmer? I am specifically looking to read a Sharp LH5268A RAM 64K (8K x 8) that is mounted on a battery that looks like a thick socket and makes the chip appear taller. I can measure 3V between Vcc and GND. Just mentioning this so its clear that the contents of the chip are still supposed to be there even tough the whole thing is unplugged from the board where it resides.

I tried to read this chip with my GQ-4X4 but its not on the list. There is a very similar ram chip the HM6264B that is included in the list, and that seems to be very similar if not identical, but the 4X4 will not read the chip. Just FF's.

Any hints appreciated. Thanks.


--- Quote from: AMR Labs on February 10, 2024, 05:57:12 pm ---Where could I possibly download or check a list of the devices supported by this TL866 programmer?

--- End quote ---

Site is a bit slow, but the official manufacturer's site. Switch the language to English in the upper right.

I am getting an error every time I try to program a PIC16F628A

Error! Config 0x000001 Buf_val 0x21 IC_val 0x3F. 

They will erase but will not program and this was with multiple new chips.

Minipro version is 6.85 in Windows 7.

Thank you.

My TL866A  SAID it programmed my 16F628A PIC successfully from the hex file when I unchecked the config box but just like last time the PIC did not work in the circuit it was made for.  Same thing when I programmed one with the KitsRUs K150 firmware.  It would not program until I unchecked config but it did not work in the device.  I am told that I can not even program the config fuses for the PIC except within the hex file itself.  What am I doing wrong?  The TL866 appears to do what it is supposed to but it always fails to program the chip correctly so it works afterwards.

Thank you

I have not looked at the 16F28A datasheet, hence am not sure whether the following applies to it. But for many other parts, the TL866 programmer offers a trap in the way it describes the fuse bits: If you set the checkbox for a bit, that means that the fuse will be "burned", i.e. the bit value set to zero. Which is rather counter-intuitive.

Could that be the cause of your present problem too? Maybe the config fuse settings you chose are "impossible" due to that inverted interpretation?


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