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EEVblog #411 - MiniPro TL866 Universal Programmer Review
I've written another experimental little utility program for the T48. This one is called "mprom" and an experimental version called "mprom-bb". It is here.
What it does is allow parallel ROMs to be read fairly painlessly using a T48. It has some similarities to the prom.c code in minipro (which isn't currently compatible with T48) but it's more flexible. Adding a new ROM is just a case of adding pin definitions to an XML file (see roms.xml in the utility).
The "mprom-bb" version can theoretically be extended to use the ISP pins for chips needing more than 40 pins in an adapter. That needs some additional configuration with adapter pin maps which I currently don't have. Anyone wanting to help out with that please send me a message.
Although this has been tested with a T48 it should also work with a TL866II+. It will not work with TL866A/CS.
I don't think it will currently work with a T56 either but feel free to try it out.
Any reports welcomed especially if you don't mind experimenting a bit to get some things working.
--- Quote from: TodayIsFridayInCalifornia on September 21, 2022, 12:23:50 pm ---whatever I do no chips will properly ID and I can't get anything in or out of them even if I bypass the ID check.
--- End quote ---
I have had the exact same problem with my TSOP48/SOP44 adapter attached to TL866CS since day one (never changed ATTINY, it recognizes as 'V3').. Did you ever figure it out?
Yet another minipro experimental utility I've written. This might be of wider interest...
It's a python GUI that allows you to explore logic (and other) chips. You can set pins to appropriate logic levels and read back the results.
I'm working on getting it into a usable state: demo video here.
It has been developed using a T48 and should work fine on a TL866II+. Untested T56 support is also present. I don't think it's practical to get it going on the older TL866A/CS: I don't have acess to one and it would be a lot of work and it is missing some features of later models.
Currently at an early stage of development and it's a bit of a learning curve for me with python: which I hadn't used much before.
Update: very preliminary version is here.
Comments welcome (private message, gitlab or on this thread).
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