I've lost the entire evening of yesterday fighting with my (upgraded some time ago) TL866 and the "new" 6.82 that I was trying to setup on my new laptop ... Symantec Protection was complaining

As I had not already read this thread, I've passed into the "protection hole" of this AV's protection and got it installed in my embedded test VM ... All worked as expected (FW upgrade then piracy messages and so on) but I was happy as everything seemed "normal" except that none of the components that I was inserting appeared to be okay !
After hours or search and mess between v6.82 and my old 6.5 FW version, I've finally found this thread.
==> THANKS RADIOMAN - With your help, your new tool, and your clear instructions, I've "repared" tonight my TL866 in less than 10 minutes.