Hi, I still have problems with my TL866-A.
It was working fine with v6.60 but now I upgraded to 6.85 and it tells me it's a convertet CS version which is not true.
So I tried the fix from radioman, but so far I was not succesfull.
I soldered the resistor to my original A version which puts it into boot mode.
Radiomans Firmwareupdater 2.51 is recognicing my device.
I tried to write the firmware direcly as well as using the firmware dumper.
I tried version 6.60, 6.71, 6.82 and 6.85, nothing worked so far.
It is always erasing and writing but immediately after writing a "reset failed" appears.
https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-341813-1552167846.png.htmlAlso the MiniPro software is telling me that the version is 0 or no device.
When trying to flash firmware with MiniPro software it's also telling me a "reset fail" message.
Is there any fix for that?