A new model of TL866 (3rd generation) has just been released - the "TL866-3G" aka the "T48":
It's supported in software version starting from v12.01
Looks like the TL866ii+ will be killed off considering the price.
Seems to be the market strategy. I got mine 3 days ago for a steal. Should I be worried???
On that note, I am worried, as my TL866II Plus is not really working! I posted my issue on XGECU forums and got some responses, but its just basically telling me that all my EEPROMs are too old and possibly faulty.
Hard to believe that, since I got some of them from Digitec on Wednesday. Anyway, I went through this thread and some folks seem to have had a similar issue. I am trying to program SST39VF020@PLCC32 with a bin I just read of my 2 "Master" EEPROMS (also SST39VF020).
I can read master and the "blank" EEPROMS fine. I saved the bin files of both masters. Now, I cannot seem to write the master bin to the blank chips. I cannot erase the blank chips either. I then thought "what the heck, I saved the master bin file, so lets erase the master eeprom".
It does not erase that either, in fact I cannot erase any chip. When trying to program a chip with the Air_Master.bin I get the following error:
APP Version : 12.05 Model : TL866II Plus
Device : SST39VF020 @ PLCC32
Pins Detected Passed!
ID: 0x FF FF ......OK!
Erase ...Succeeded. Time : 0.390 S
Programming FLASH ...
ERROR! Address:0x000000 Buffer Data:0xA0 Verify:0xFF
Programming ...Failed
I did create a new chip with ID FF FF, as I always get a Chip ID error when reading or writing, no matter what chip I use.
I tried:
1. Different USB Cable
2. Different PC with Windows 7
3. Downgrading the firmware from 12.05 to 10.13, 10.35, 11.90
4. Re-flashing 12.05 several times
5. Checked the ZIF PLCC32 socket adapter
6. Bought a new PLCC32 socket adapter
7. Bought 6 new SST39VF020 (in total I have 10 now and none can be programmed)
8. Tried a similar chip profile (Cat28F020 and Cat28C256) - Cat28F020 seemed to work at first. The erasing took much longer than on the native profile. Programming then took about 5 min, but failed in the end anyway.
9. I tried several USB ports and hubs
10. Self-Check is OK on all pins and OC protection
I am now thinking to send this back and get myself a Batronix.. Much more expensive, but if it works....