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EEVblog #45 - Arduino, PICAXE, and idiot assembler programmers


I agree most of the opensource projects are for some wierd reason coded in ASM which kinda ticks me off if I want to change something but can't make heads or tales of the code I took one look at ASM and said eff that, although it wasn't until I read an example code of a PIC lighting an LED that I figured out why my c code wasn't working.

I lived in Italy for 15 years (happily I'm back in the UK) so I can try and interpret the names for you.

I think Arduino derives from Arduo which sort of mean hardy, yea not a terrific name.

I must say i spent a long time trying to wade my way through assembly being told not to use anything else, and Dave you right its bollocks ! I just wasted time thanks to some idiots, I now use mikroe basic and its great on pics, I get most projects up and running quite quickly and if microchip start being unreasonable (like ripping us off with pickit3) i can port to another chip, I'd never try assembler again, free from mind bogglness and easy to move.

Where do they come up with those names (and how do you bloddy pronouce it anyway)

Sometimes there is a method to their madness.


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