REALLY COOL Mailbag, I watched the video never shutting my eyes.

is it really that hard to crack?
can someone upload a copy? 
I don't understand what's the deal with cracking such a software.
Let me explain the point with an example from my job.
I am using a very particular software, used in the automotive industry, to deal with xCU datasets.
It is sold with pretty expensive licenses, but... there is no crack at all! No serial code, no passwords, nothing at all.
You can just install it on your desktop PC and work with it.
What's the point?
Well... On the very first time you try to use some reworked files (flashing them into the ECU of someone's car, in exchange of little money), someone will eventually know that you used that cracked software.
It's like farting in a elevator, except for the fact that you make a very loud and clear noise all over the world.
You would be immediately identified, and you would not only be sued and lose (all your) money, but also marked forever with the sign of dishonesty. You are OUT of business, forever.
Some "worlds" (e.g. automotive, silicon, racing, power, ...) are VERY small, everyone knows everyone, so it's pretty impossible to obtain any benefit from a cracked software.
It's like stealing the Cullinan diamond and then sell it on ebay with your name, address, personal photo and GPS position of your house, waiting with your pants down.