This video made me pull out my HP-48G to run some of my favorite old programs. Alas!! Keys B-F no longer work! What will I do now? My programs!

I bought it when I started college with summer work money, and man that 'infinite stack' and the stack operations and little time-saving programs I wrote saved me so much time in quizzes and finals. Once I walked out after 15 minutes, my class mates thought I had quit and would get the worst score but they were so wrong - they all did so poorly the professor felt bad and let them try again. I got a B and sat out that 2nd quiz.
Cheated? No; if you can write a program to do the job against what might be thrown at you in a quiz, you've understood the problem and method of solution well enough. Also, I had a bad habit of forgetting every so often so I got to use a borrowed calc, a slide rule for giggles, or once just draw up a series of Smith chart plots and circle the solution location on the chart.