maybe relevant:
No, it's not, because:
a) I bought it.
b) I not a Yank, FTC rules mean squat.
in case of #1 Im genuinely impressed, I would rather kill myself than talk for half an hour about iot

and I suspect you are just as enthusiastic about it as I am

Dave, you seem 'on edge' during this video. Not a criticism, just hoping everything is OK with you.
Thats it, at least Im not alone. I read it as 'lets get over with this garbage as fast as possible"
about #2 tho, US law applies to everyone, those who disagree get shot/kidnapped/liberated. Besides Google is US based and they will force everyone to disclose, at the very least by adding 'flag as concealed paid endorsement' option and deleting flagged clips. All the Gameplay/Game review channels are talking about it for a couple of days now.
Once solution would be using open protocols and server software so you can run yourself or pick from one of N service providers, with the ability to redirect your device when you move to a different service (e.g. by modifying your DNS records). Another solution is to use closed cloud system from a large and stable vendor that is much less likely to close shop.
Jabber not perfect, but it is open and decentralized
1) The price is excellent in my opinion - TI sells it for $20 US and ships for free virtually anywhere in the world. Where else can you get any sort of micro-controller with a built in Ethernet port for $20 delivered?
same place you get half of your products from, China.
$5 gets you Allwinter quad ARMv7 chip + Pmic chip, Even Intel is pushing its shitty (quad core x86 with HD graphics and everything) Atom chips at $5 in China.
$20 gets you whole finished product, for example wireless router with 400MHz mips, 32MB ram and buildin lipo battery. Is TI very power efficient? so what, it will be connected over ethernet anyway, so why bother?
I dont get the purpose of this chip. What exactly would you build with it? Ethernet connected button with 1 second round the globe latency? That chip has rather hilarious >$10 price, mostly because they could slap iot badge on marketing material.