i went to take a look at GDT
lets say this device, the 2045-07, 75v DC or 500v AC
i dont quite understand the specification when they put it as V/s (for DC) and V/us (for AC). i can understand the physics that a gap is a gap and if designed for 75V it will spark over (im sure there is some special gas mix inside that facilitates easier sparking at lower voltages, but does the speed of rise of voltage affect ability to spark over?), so how do you use the V/s specs to size for a design? any input appreciated TYVM (or maybe not, its just a measurement thing?)
A spark is a very stochastic (= random...because big words are big) process, where the probability of discharge increases with applied voltage and duration.
You can think of the mechanism like this:
Normally, there's a very small amount of free charge (and thus conductivity) available in the gas. Usually due to radiation: cosmic rays, background radiation, radioactive isotopes in the construction materials, and radioisotopes intentionally added to the electrode coatings.
Now, free charges will move about, and be accelerated by electric field. If they gain enough energy to ionize some gas atoms, they'll probably strike one, which frees more charges, and so on. In a weak electric field, not much energy is gained between collisions, so the conductivity doesn't increase much.
In a stronger field, more and more cascades will occur, and you get avalanche breakdown. Assuming enough collisions occurred, and there were enough charges around to start the event.
So, for an arbitrarily low voltage, you will always get discharge events, they'll just be imperceptible as leakage current. It's only above a certain point that you get enough average current (and big enough charge dumps) that it's a problem (what we call a spark or arc discharge). Conversely, very sudden voltages might pass unimpeded until, after some nanoseconds, enough cascades have occurred to build a spark proper.
So, it's constantly a very random thing, and doing some averages you can come up with characteristics. There's no operational guarantee that it should work at all at almost any voltage -- it's just that it's 99.9999% likely to discharge if you put, say, a thousand volts across it. And accordingly, don't expect it to break down at e.g. 75.0V -- you'll only be able to use a 75V device at maybe 50V nominal, and still have to protect your circuit against rapid pulses in the 500V+, couple ns range. Fortunately, that does mean beefy 8/20 or 10/1000 surges are truncated to ESD-level energy, which is a *LOT* easier to deal with!