the perceptual difference between low and high frame rate seems marginal in my opinion (maybe that's me showing my age)
I don't even know how people are claiming to be able to tell the difference when all the evidence is based on watching completely different videos. It could easily be down to different camera focus in each video ... or even just people's own imagination and confirmation biases.
The only way to be sure would be to produce two different versions of
the same video, one at 30fps and one at 60fps then get people to vote without knowing which was which. The "30fps" version would have to be made by discarding every other frame from the 60fps version then upscaling it. It would have to be done very carefully (and even so the process might skew the result).
If Dave does that
and there's a very clear result in the votes then I say go with it.
Otherwise...nah. There's simply not enough motion in the videos to justify it,
not if it's causing problems/delays.
It's a cost/benefit analysis. If the cost is zero then you do it, obviously.
I'm not against 60fps because I'm a curmudgeon (although it helps), I'm just not convinced the self-proclaimed videophiles (videophools?) claiming to see a difference are really seeing one. Not when it turns out they were watching on an iPhone (or whatever).