Author Topic: PC BASED LOGIC ANALYZER  (Read 2868 times)

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« on: July 03, 2015, 07:41:50 pm »
Dave liked your Video on the PC Logic Analyzer and Rack Computer.
In 1990 I ordered a 486 based computer but had some delay in getting it as there was no mother board available.
Eventually we had a system built "cost $4500 Au" a bit pricey but it was to run our CAD system we also got a Wyse CAD Screen and a Roland Plotter to do our PCBs.
I really liked DOS but added Windows 3.11 when we put our accounting system on it.
Still use the computer,with a few mods like 20Gig hard drive as DOS could only handle 500megs then.
Had Protel on it but it was lost some time ago.
That system has been running for 24 plus years and though a bit slow works like a dream.

Keep up the good work

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