Wow Dave what a coincidence, you post a thread on trying to fix a scopemeter and it's the same night that I decide to summon up the courage to take my 196C apart to try and fix it as well.
The problem with mine seemed less drastic than yours the screen works great but it had recently stopped charging and would not operate from the mains adapter, yet still fired up with what was left in the battery (which is new). I must admit I was a bit more hesitant about taking it apart than you are but I fix air conditioners for a living and don't pull electronic stuff apart every day. So far the problem with mine appears minor, the power input connector is knackered as the centre pin has no continuity through the connector to where it goes down onto the PCB in the top corner.
So if you decide not to go ahead with trying to fix the scope section and are going to dump it I'm in Oz too and would happily dispose of the main board for you

I also found something really strange, it appears that the cooling fan on the back of the PCU unit has never been plugged in
I guess I really should start a repair thread on my unit instead of taking yours up.