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EEVblog #81 – Smart Tweezers
I do not know, but I did not feel "the magic" about this product,
at the point that Dave almost blame the classic DMM's with cables ,
I just think that we have to invent just for him Tweezers with bluetooth , so to be happy and free of cables. ;D
As about the " made in Canada " excitement , well the robot that did the board could be located on Canada.
But if I seriously consider, if this tool are actually useful , I will say no ..
Those tweezers could be practical , if the design was allowing to rotate the body with the display independently from the placement of the tweezers .
So with the display always facing at you , you could check horizontal and vertical components.
Just few thoughts. :)
Man! David L. Jones is everywhere. Fluke Plus, Gossen Metrawatt, Advance Devices and only He knows where else has 'Australian host, David L. Jones' got embedded. And so is the TI MSP430F microcontroller, like the industry standard for handheld T&MI. It would suit to find out what multimeter, if any, employ mainstream microcontroller in the Multimeter Shootout.
Not a piece of advice, but a humble suggestion Dave, you may find the 'Extended Specifications' sheet of the Fluke 87 V a standard for comparison for Multimeter Shootout a la the Fluke 87 V itself. As you 'Publish And Be Damned', it might serve you a slab for standard features and specifications.
I like it. Its very helpful as when you build SM you use tweezers anyway, the parts are so small. Now, you have an option to ID the parts instead of burning your eyes trying to read those unreadable markings. Complete accuracy is not used in that mode, but the parts all look alike so as you pick them, you can confirm what they are.
I prefer not built with SM because I'm not a pro EE. But speed is everything, from design to prototype and getting the device out there and working, so I prefer something I can see easily and use my hands with, which is typically DIP and SIP sized. But the final device is best as small and power frugal as possible, and a good case, that is MILSPEC shock and water proof, is always a plus.
If you want your own LCR meter then take a look at what this guy has done with a PC soundcard, a few common components and some clever software.
The software even draws the vector diagrams as in Dave's tutorial. :)
It looks like it is great for prototyping and production with SMD
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