Ok, I tried three cards with another app and I got the card number and expiry date. No name. Only one gave a transaction history and card issuer, they other two didn't.
I happily hope your sample set is reflected in the market, unfortunately my sample set has shown the opposite - perhaps that's a reflection of the company we keep

Probably a bit hard without the CVV these days?
No actually, was only a couple of weeks ago a friend placed a purchase for his mum at Bunnings, $497, they asked to speak with the card holder over the phone, date and number were all that was required. I was there cos I'm a tagalong bum, just getting out of the house you know

And there is likely a reason it's rare, likely because it's not as easy or profitable as you think.
No, I never imagined it was profitable, or easy. Knowing someones card number, it's expiry date and last few transactions is one thing. Figuring out their home address or date of birth actually requires social engineering and most people I know with the smarts to pull this are either not that way inclined, or couldn't social engineer their way out of a paper bag.
I'm a security conscious person, part of the job, part of the industry I find myself in, part of my job is foreseeing this - if I can imagine it, someone's doing it. Do I wear tin foil on my head... or indeed my wallet? No. Because while the possibility is there, the probability isn't, and hey, that's what insurance is for right?