hello guys, is there any guidance to make a rare battery charger?
i can't find any charger at the stores for my battery that is for a laser beam, the details are:
UltraFire (but i think i have a chinese produce because the brand is UitraFlre
AX 123A 1200mAh 3.6V
i found this
http://www.ebay.in/itm/262258866915?aff_source=Sok-Goog PCB when i googled my question! but i think this is not helpful for any kind of Batteries and i think this PCB not contained the Battery Protection system (that i need this option because i don't want to pay for other batteries), before this topic i used YouTube to understand whats difference between mAh and A , and i found the eevblog posts on youtube and im here now just to ask about my topic.
i need some (if possible for you) theory guidance and the some Experimental.
i made a AA & AAA battery charger for myself last year when i started highschool but know really i don't know what are this battery materials and i don't know how it works! (like other batteries or not? bcs the 123A
is HUGE!).
(this problem forwarded me to a new topic in my life" :The batteries!, i'm really interested to research about batteries in this summer! please can you help me to find a Full article or book for learning basic to pro step by step about batteries? , if you can please help me)
the AX Battery:
my charger:
(its old but works well for regular AA and AAA batteries)
and my batteries that i found them in my room and i want to know about them, inside, materials, how them work, etc.
thank you for reading my question, and sorry if i wrote this topic with bad english grammer.
thanks again.