Well, went to my optometrist last week, and he did a CAT scan of my eyes, using a small desktop device, that did a scan of each eye automatically, and which gave as an output a 3Drendering with measurements of the eye, including all the visible layers of the eye, the retina and all available as slices and thickness data. Done with a green LED as a focus aid, using a small red laser scanner that did the actual work, and i would assume a small video scanner that got a real time video and then did a lot of work to get the data out.
Then the next machine ( made in Australia BTW, at least from the built in multiplug setup on the base, and the AUS plug leads it had as connections for the bespoke cabling), which did an automatic ( no skill on operator required) eye test and gave a very close reading of the script and corrections needed. Then a check on the proper older machine, and just to verify the readings.
My optometrist was talking about buying some new machines, and I wanted to get another old one to tear apart, but that scanner, at over $100k, was just too lovely, and a pretty good Windows 7 computer on it's own, though it was ( for obvious reasons) not connected to any network, and updates come from the manufacturer on DVD for it.