At my first job, even though we did PCB boards, some of our prototypes were wire wrapped. Huge 9U VME cards, for example. Somehow, I became the company expert on a "CAD" package called "Wiremaster". It was a pretty nifty tool that took your netlist and component placements and generated a wiring list for the technicians. It could also generate data files to drive manual and semi-manual wire wrap machines, something we never used. As good as it was, we always had special cases, so I ended up writing a bunch of pre- and post-processing filters to tailor the lists to our needs. I may still have an electronic copy buried in one of my archives somewhere.
And a little digging around on Google found this:
WireMaster (for $200 in 1982)
Gary Gilbraith
Afterthought Engineering
San Diego, CA
Sure brings back some memories...