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EEVblog #978 - Keysight 1000X Hacking
Find my post in this thread where i attached a file that drops the scope into Windows shell. Get the file and practice using it. Do not change anything in Windows, just practice to browse. Let us know when you are comfortable using it.
This is a lesson for all you people out there with itchy fingers: Do Not fuck around with trying to boot your scope if you see ECC or FPGA errors. They must be fixed first, or you end up with Much worse situation.
Information how to change Uboot so it allows you to interrupt boot was posted in this thread, it is stunning that even instructions were provided, people still screw up.
Thanks Bud, I hope you enjoyed your weekend
I found it on page 32. And I tried to play around with this Windows CE. I saw you uploaded the UserCal data file, can I use that to fix the usercal crash error? I am not sure how I should load it.
Do you have a USB hub ? So you can connect a keyboard and USB stick at the same time to the scope's front USB port.
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