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EEVblog #978 - Keysight 1000X Hacking

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Hello everyone .I have got a DSOX1102G and installed the "Hacked" firmware,now I have got a full bandwith DSOX1102G with all function enabled,but I loss my model and SN. In "About This Scope" Page,It show Model:Unset,Serial Number : UnSet ,Bandwidth :200M。What is wrong? How can I get my Model and SN back? :scared:

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--- Quote from: TScarlet on June 15, 2023, 08:36:35 am ---Hello everyone .I have got a DSOX1102G and installed the "Hacked" firmware,now I have got a full bandwith DSOX1102G with all function enabled,but I loss my model and SN. In "About This Scope" Page,It show Model:Unset,Serial Number : UnSet ,Bandwidth :200M。What is wrong? How can I get my Model and SN back? :scared:

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that's a weird one, try installing the official firmware and see if that restores the serial number?

Thx,I have tried,but still get UnSet Model and UnSet SN |O


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