I just received a used DSOX1102G today (eBay purchase) and unknowingly crapped all over it. I saw it was running FW 1.10, and there was a nice shiny new FW 1.20, just calling out my name.
I snapped a shot of the "About This Oscilloscope" page, prior to engaging my stupidity, which displayed a whole host of installed licenses, and displayed the BW as 200MHz. I just thought the seller had purchased licenses and upgrades (MSO, FPG, memMax, EMBD, AUTO, ALT, FLEX, PWR, SGM, MASK, TEL, BW50, BW20, BW10, BW7, FRC, AUDIO, DIS, EDK, WAVEGEN, AERO, VID, ADVMATH, FLEXC, DIS, DIS, VID, DVM, ASV, CABLE, SCPIPS, RML, SGMC, TOM, FWD), not knowing 200MHz wasn't even an offered BW for this scope.
So, as I'm quite sure, everyone that has been on this ride for any time at all, already knows that my new shiny gem is now just a kinda dull penny. 70MHz with four or five items listed in licenses! Doh! Any guidance that might help me get back to whence my scope once was??
I guess I'm so used to snagging and loading the newest FW onto my Fractal Audio AF3, on the regular, that the other scenarios never even crossed my older brain.
Hell of an introduction, huh??