1. To comment on it's internal construction BEFORE he had taken it apart would of been some feat.
The scope was opened to probe the PSU rails on the smoke video, yet no reference to internal construction.
If during the tear down an OBVIOUS blown component had shown up the it is fair to comment on it, BUT it seems to me fair not to bring it up during the video as it is not relevant to the build quality.
I would find it extremely hard to resist comments of the sort 'This looks OK', 'no damage here', 'I suspect something went wrong in this section' etc during a teardown
following a product failure. I think this behaviour is the norm, especially for non-scripted vblogs and enthusiastic engineers.
Or are you suggesting Dave is being economical with the truth?
I am not in a position to speculate or suggest anything, and my, or anyone else's opinion on this could not count less. This is between those involved in the oscilloscope arrangements in Agilent and on Dave's side. I am just stating what I noticed, nothing wrong with that.