The eyeroll above is for the fact that this always comes up, again and again, and I keep having to explain it again and again, why you are:
a) essentially mistaken
and b) not really helping me
Here is a breakdown I did of my first 50 videos (my "golden age" according to many) vs ones after 500
http://www.eevblog.com/images/EpisodeContentList.pngThat data shows that I have in fact kept up many thing that people think are missing form the blog and/or that I never actually did as many, say, tutorial videos as they think I once did. So you are quite simple
The bottom line is I now have a
much larger audience that subscribe for a
wider range of reasons. This means that as the years go by it is simply
inevitable that there will be more people like you who think I've "lost my enthusiasm", "lost my edge", "strayed from my original intention", or insert any other gripe the person has. The fact though is that almost always, none of that is true. It is just that the those people had an idea of what
they think my blog was like, and subconsciously what
they think it is about and should be about.
Note my emphasis of "they" several" times.
Quite frankly, you are simply another voice among 200,000 others.
And yes, I'll say it again, I can't please everyone. And that becomes more and more true with every day that passes and another 300 people subscribe to my channel for whatever reason it is, which will be different to your own, and everyone elses reasons.
You think I'm this great teacher, and well, thanks, that's appreciated, but the fact is my blog has
never been about teaching or tutorials. That is demonstrable with the data I have shown above, and my relatively low percentage of tutorial videos.
I find it interesting that it's usually the tutorial people who say this kind of stuff, and somehow have a skewed memory on how many tutorial videos I've done. But I do also see the same passion in the people who like rant videos for example. Same thing there, I've actually done relatively few of them, yet they stick in people's minds.
Sure, there are many ebbs and flows in my videos, and I may do a flood of tutorials, or a flood of teardowns, or a floods of mailbag, or whatever, and many people usually use those periods to complain the way you have.
Ok, you aren't a fan of mailbag, I get it, but you are in the minority. Mailbag is one of my most popular segments, that's why I still do it.
More popular in fact than my tutorials.
I get far more "where is mailbag this week?" complaints, than "where is fundamental friday this week?"
And you know what, I enjoy doing both, sometimes more so than at other times, so I'm going to continue doing both.
You know what usually happens when I do a tutorial video?, one I invested a lot of thought and energy into and thought it was quite decent:
a) I get maybe half the views a mailbag or teardown, or some other video type gets
b) I get half the amount of feedback
c) A good lot of the feedback isn't about the that video, it's about what they'd *really* like to see
Tell me again why I should up the number of tutorial videos again?
I'll still do them of course, I enjoy doing them, but quite frankly the feedback is usually not great nor encouraging. So when I'm thinking what video I'll shoot today (they aren't plan, there is no list, it's all daily whim based thing), tutorials at times do not rank high on my desire list I'm afraid.
I appreciate feedback, but these really heartfelt ones where I feel compelled to explain myself, when it's often impossible to explain myself, I find do not really help me. If anything my make me more disillusioned and want to throw in the towel.
No of course I won't throw in the towel, but I can certainly understand those bloggers that do.
The bigger my channel gets, the more people try and pull me in every direction they want.
My wish? That people would just continue to let me do whatever I want to do on any given day, and either watch or don't watch. That's how I've always done this blog, and that's how I wish to continue doing it. I do enjoy feedback, but it's now not nearly as valuable as it once was in the early days of growing my channel, the white noise just gets higher in amplitude.
And also the bigger my channel gets, the more complicated and time consuming it gets, and the less time I actually have to work on content. Add in family and personal life that seems to get more complicated every year, and the time gets even less and less.
I'd love to do a whole series of tutorial videos like you suggest, but it's just impossible, I do not have the time, and good practical tutorial videos take a lot of time.
*Sent from my hotel room at midnight on my family holiday, because, well, I'm a bit pathetic