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Keysight Scope Giveaway Discussion (For entry see other threads)

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--- Quote from: udj on March 17, 2023, 09:17:01 am ---But I do have a Hantek DSO2D10 scope, which I purchased a few years back I think, after reading the positives on the forum.. In hind sight maybe I should have gotten different advice  ::) Well it was cheap, but still being scammed by the manufacturer  |O .. If I remember correctly I can only get the highest sample rate in 4k depth and one channel, and it looks suspiciously interpolated so it is nowhere near 1GS, maybe a quarter of that.

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That is one for the thread about it, but it actually does 1GSa/s, and indeed only on a single channel. With both channels enabled it only does 500MSa/s at max.

The memory issue has to do with the FPGA they used and the speed of the memory in it. It being a cheap scope it is what you pay for, but at least they are honest about the specs. Not all companies are.


--- Quote from: pcprogrammer on March 17, 2023, 09:13:15 am ---
--- Quote from: Nusa on March 17, 2023, 07:22:34 am ---I've never won anything here, so far, but once upon a time I was that guy with under 20 posts in a contest for something. No longer true, of course. I don't blame them for trying, but those calling it unfair are going too far.

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Elaborate please.

Do you mean the newcomers complaining that you need at least 20 posts or the established order complaining about the newcomers giving it a try?

Sure I can't blame them for trying, but it is up to Dave to decide to let them compete for the scope or not. Based on the fact that he wrote it in the first post as a requirement he should eliminate every entry below the 20 posts.

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The former, although the one entry that triggered me appears to have been edited and tamed down since then, so I won't link it.

And yes, having watched a previous draw, Dave does eliminate those under 20 posts. Note Dave also said posts "over some time", so a guy who registered yesterday and spammed 20 posts in various places likely will be eliminated even if picked.


--- Quote from: Nusa on March 17, 2023, 06:43:06 pm ---And yes, having watched a previous draw, Dave does eliminate those under 20 posts. Note Dave also said posts "over some time", so a guy who registered yesterday and spammed 20 posts in various places likely will be eliminated even if picked.

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Yep.  Dave doesn't go through the hassle of cleaning up the entry pool, he will just run the wobulator and check whoever comes up - which is what he has done in the past.

Muttley Snickers:
The competition thread in the Supporters Lounge mentions patrons and supporters only but no mention of super contributors, some have already entered and I think they should be included.   :-// 

"Win a slightly used Keysight scope, for Patrons/Supporters only as per the video:"


--- Quote from: Muttley Snickers on March 21, 2023, 11:57:34 am ---The competition thread in the Supporters Lounge mentions patrons and supporters only but no mention of super contributors

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My understanding is that if you have access to the "Supporters Lounge" area then you are a Supporter.  Something that can be obtained by Patreon or by contributing a lot on the forum through having a large post count.


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