I cannot open the packages before hand to find out what's in them, and what is worthwhile opening when etc, that would ruin the whole idea of the surprise opening.
And what if I think it's lame and a waste of time (and others would agree), but some poor kid spent his time and money on it and though it would be cool to see it on my channel.
At least I will open everyone's mail, eventually.
Sometimes I just don't have the time to do these videos, it's a simple fact, just like all the others bloggers get behind on stuff, no one is immune to this.
Show me a blogger who's not behind on videos they want to do, and I'll show you a liar

But the problem is both that Dave often rushes through items that deserve more attention
According to whom? That is the biggest trap of all time. Don't think that your own interest in something speaks for those of others.
In the end, I can only go more in depth into the stuff that I find interesting, or have the time to do etc.
I don't really see Dave buying a second hand airport xray machine and spending a few weeks hacking on it. I'm not saying he wouldn't but just doesn't seem like he'd hold on to something that big for that long.
Why do people try and compare different bloggers?
I'm a family guy who mostly works 8 hours a day, 4 days a week in the lab. Mike is a single guy who has the luxury of living and working at home at any hour he pleases.
I physically couldn't bring something like that home, it would literally be impossible.
Here is one example I'd love to do:
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Automatic-teller-machine-ATM-ex-bendigo-bank-brookvale-NCR-Brand-with-keys-/271261862389Please tell me how I'd get a 500kg machine back to home or the lab, and how I would dispose of it when done?
Take Martin for example in his recent video. He was doing close to one video a day, but has now said it was consuming his life and he will be cutting that back to 2 videos a week now to spend time with his family. Good on him