
Mailbag - reading the letters or not

Keep it as it is now with reading the letters
54 (38.8%)
Dont read them, just open the packages
16 (11.5%)
dont care, Dave is in control
67 (48.2%)
I dont like Mailbag at all, dont make them
2 (1.4%)

Total Members Voted: 135

Voting closed: August 29, 2013, 08:09:51 am

Author Topic: Mailbag - reading the letters or not  (Read 23657 times)

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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« on: August 22, 2013, 08:09:51 am »

seems that there is some there dont like the mailbag style where Dave open one packages at the time and reading the letters and Dave is talking about giving in and change it.

I like the style as it is, where Dave open the packages and read the letters as i think that the letters is as much a part of it as the packages because it is telling the story of why someone has sent this item and their history about eletronics.


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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2013, 01:23:42 pm »
I agree. The letter belongs to the package. But I voted for the third option: Dave is in control of this!

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2013, 05:25:34 pm »
Well, I would like to see what people write, but I don't care to have the letter dictated to me, especially when dave's not good with speaking/messing up  people's names or the name of various towns. 

To some people, it may even be a bit offensive that Dave can't spend a few seconds to look up on Wikipedia or something how a town's name or the guy/girl's name is spoken. 

A good compromise imho would be to keep the letter on the screen for something like 5 seconds so if people want to read it, they could pause the video and read.... or Dave could just read the letter before then cut the reading in editing and just repeat the most important segments/paragraphs from the letter in those 5-10 seconds when the letter is shown.

(going a bit on a tangent)

And honestly, some of the last videos with the mail sucked. The initial idea was fine.. have people send stuff and Dave shows them and so on... but go back to the latest videos and the point is almost completely gone. Why would people send kits or their personal projects for example, if Dave can't be bothered to build them and show them? Why would they send stuff if Dave opens the packages 4-6 months later...

Some people may actually spend quite a lot of money (for how much they earn) to ship what they built to Australia ... shipping stuff across continents isn't cheap... and then what they send is just rushed over. It may be a kit they put their heart into and Dave says as usual that he may put it together but never happens, or just reads the letter and he's done with it.

Right now, it seems to me that this type of video is considered by Dave like a chore, something to go through quickly and be done with.  You can see it in every video where he shows the stack of packages and how he talks about it.
Yeah, I understand he was sick, I understand that he wants to spend time with his family and the kid but still...

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2013, 05:45:43 pm »
I like to see what people spend the time to send, for the most part.  Interesting hardware is interesting and might have a good story to go along.  I suppose the letters could be skimmed by Dave and highlighted to speed the process up and keep up-2-date.

To be honest - I don't care much for the Postcards.


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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2013, 06:39:51 pm »
Some people may actually spend quite a lot of money (for how much they earn) to ship what they built to Australia ... shipping stuff across continents isn't cheap... and then what they send is just rushed over. It may be a kit they put their heart into and Dave says as usual that he may put it together but never happens, or just reads the letter and he's done with it.
I agree. But the problem is both that Dave often rushes through items that deserve more attention, and that the delay is way too long. The wedding request thing was particularly embarrassing. Should he go through the mail first and select the most interesting ones? Should he reduce the volume of incoming mail somehow?

Is the current incoming volume at least low enough to keep up? If so, then he could consider continuing with the recent arrivals, and only spend one or two video showing highlights from the packages from the past months. Many people will probably have given up hope by now anyhow.

I feel that at this point people should probably send suitable items to someone like Connor Wolf (does a good job on teardowns), Martin Lorton or Mike (assuming Mike has time and wants people to send him random stuff). They will be able to spend more time on the item, and you actually might get to see it in within a few months ;).

Offline Stonent

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2013, 12:41:52 am »
I like mailbag just the way it is.

I'd also be down for some user submitted teardowns for Mike as well if he was up to it. They have different perspectives and I appreciate the different styles. I don't really see Dave buying a second hand airport xray machine and spending a few weeks hacking on it. I'm not saying he wouldn't but just doesn't seem like he'd hold on to something that big for that long.

I don't know why but I almost imagine Mike going out of town for a few days and then do a teardown on a North Korean missile guidance system when he came back.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 12:49:27 am by Stonent »
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2013, 12:59:32 am »

A good compromise imho would be to keep the letter on the screen for something like 5 seconds so if people want to read it, they could pause the video and read.... or Dave could just read the letter before then cut the reading in editing and just repeat the most important segments/paragraphs from the letter in those 5-10 seconds when the letter is shown.

I think that is a great idea.  Dave always says Mailbag Monday is the most popular "bit" he does, but dictating someone's letter about how they work in such and such and always liked such and such - I am sure it's great for Dave to hear the stories but IMHO it doesn't make for great content.  The stuff itself is the content, so it would be a great way to get more content in if he shows the letter for a few seconds and then dug into the package.

Another inevitable result will be that some day Dave will need to make it known that only a portion of the received items will make it onto Mailbag... all TV shows end up doing this.  That would allow him to pick and choose the most interesting content, but also cut down on the # of people sending him stuff for possibly selfish reasons (like the guy who wanted his IGG project featured so he could get more $$$). 
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2013, 01:04:23 am »
Personally I find the full letter reading a bit dull so I try to skip over those bits.

That said I voted "Don't care Dave's in control" as it's his choice ultimately.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2013, 02:04:10 am »
I cannot open the packages before hand to find out what's in them, and what is worthwhile opening when etc, that would ruin the whole idea of the surprise opening.
And what if I think it's lame and a waste of time (and others would agree), but some poor kid spent his time and money on it and though it would be cool to see it on my channel.
At least I will open everyone's mail, eventually.
Sometimes I just don't have the time to do these videos, it's a simple fact, just like all the others bloggers get behind on stuff, no one is immune to this.
Show me a blogger who's not behind on videos they want to do, and I'll show you a liar  ;D

But the problem is both that Dave often rushes through items that deserve more attention

According to whom? That is the biggest trap of all time. Don't think that your own interest in something speaks for those of others.
In the end, I can only go more in depth into the stuff that I find interesting, or have the time to do etc.

I don't really see Dave buying a second hand airport xray machine and spending a few weeks hacking on it. I'm not saying he wouldn't but just doesn't seem like he'd hold on to something that big for that long.

Why do people try and compare different bloggers?
I'm a family guy who mostly works 8 hours a day, 4 days a week in the lab. Mike is a single guy who has the luxury of living and working at home at any hour he pleases.
I physically couldn't bring something like that home, it would literally be impossible.
Here is one example I'd love to do:
Please tell me how I'd get a 500kg machine back to home or the lab, and how I would dispose of it when done?
Take Martin for example in his recent video. He was doing close to one video a day, but has now said it was consuming his life and he will be cutting that back to 2 videos a week now to spend time with his family. Good on him  :-+
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 02:24:54 am by EEVblog »

Offline Stonent

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2013, 03:32:49 am »
Why do people try and compare different bloggers?

Because people compare things? DaVinci gets compared to Michelangelo. So what?

I'm subscribed to both of your channels and I watch both of your videos. I also watch Martin's videos.

I like your tear downs and I like Mikes as well. Mike seems to end up with a lot of strange stuff. I know he's single and you're not.  It wasn't meant as a slight against you.  There's a few items like the MP3 Player DSO that you both tore down and I liked watching both takes on the same device.

You do this for a living, and Mike does it more for fun. This is your personal income and Mike has his own business.

In fact if you and Mike only tore town the same exact items, I'd happily watch both videos.

I also watch Ashens on youtube. He buys crap at dollar stores and reviews it, smashes it, burns it or keeps it. And there's even times where I wish he'd take something apart, but he doesn't because that's not his thing.

I say keep reading the letters. It adds a personal touch.  I like the "Hi to all my viewers in %country%"

If people say your videos are too slow and they are getting distracted, maybe they should take an Adderall.   :-+
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 03:34:36 am by Stonent »
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2013, 03:45:03 am »
If people say your videos are too slow and they are getting distracted, maybe they should take an Adderall.   :-+

QFT. God, people need to quit bitching about their free entertainment....

And yeah, I'll compare different bloggers too. I like Dave's instructional videos. Mike's teardowns are often more comprehensive and tend to be more about things in which I am interested. Dave's rants are funnier. Mike's jokes are funnier. Dave's videos are more regular. Mike is more brief. Dave interacts with viewers more.

>:D Pissed off yet, Dave?

And you're both awesome alternatives to cat videos ^-^
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2013, 04:08:07 am »
Why do people try and compare different bloggers?
Because people compare things? DaVinci gets compared to Michelangelo. So what?

That was exactly my point.
It's not the comparison as such, it's that many people seem to somehow expect that because I did something, or Martin did something, or Mike did something, or Photonic Induction did something, or *insert blogger here* did something, that the others should somehow do something similar as well :-//
If we all did identical stuff, the world would be just a little bit more boring.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 04:21:27 am by EEVblog »

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2013, 04:17:23 am »
You do this for a living, and Mike does it more for fun.

No, I do it for fun too.
It just happens to now be my living.

This is your personal income

Correct. Which does technically put me under more pressure to produce more varied content for more people, more often, in an ever maddening unwinnable upward spiral  ;D
This is the life, I tells'ya!  ;D

« Last Edit: August 23, 2013, 04:20:22 am by EEVblog »

Offline Stonent

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2013, 05:03:55 am »
Why do people try and compare different bloggers?
Because people compare things? DaVinci gets compared to Michelangelo. So what?

That was exactly my point.
It's not the comparison as such, it's that many people seem to somehow expect that because I did something, or Martin did something, or Mike did something, or Photonic Induction did something, or *insert blogger here* did something, that the others should somehow do something similar as well :-//
If we all did identical stuff, the world would be just a little bit more boring.

Sometimes I want a Big Mac, sometimes I want a Whopper, sometimes I want to shell out $10 and get a non-assembly line burger. By definition, they are all hamburgers but they're a bit different. I like having my choices.

You guys are all a bunch of foreigners that don't speak proper 'merican.

If you and Mike should ever be in the same country at the same time, I think you should try to recreate the Office Space printer teardown.

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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2013, 05:25:51 am »
I think the overall hit rate on the mail bag videos mean that the majority of viewers like it as it is and that is great.

I will say that it seems that stuff falls into a few different categories in mailbag

1) post cards

2) old stuff to do tear downs on

3) kits to assemble

4) other functional products/projects

Personally I think category 1 can be a video on its own just like the latest altzone video.  Category 2 goes into the queue for tear down videos and the letter gets read at that time.  Category 3, maybe the same approach as #1 honestly I can see doing more than looking at the pcb would take a tremendous amount of time to build up.

Category 4 is what I like in mailbag.  I always considered to send in one of my projects when it was ready but I haven't because it should be plug and play.  I think this was the case with the plasma speaker and it was one of the better mailbags...

Regardless, it's all good stuff and I'll continue to watch.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2013, 05:54:29 am »
Mike seems to end up with a lot of strange stuff.

I thought it was his missus who "motivated" him to quickly remove the x-ray machine from the premises, because the space in the garage was needed. Ah well, whatever.

Regarding the mailbag. If I watch the videos I watch them with my hand on the mouse to jump forward when letter reading comes up. I manage to finish watching a 45 min mailbag video in 15 min.  More time spend with the gadgets than the letters would be fun.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2013, 06:59:29 am »
I thought it was his missus who "motivated" him to quickly remove the x-ray machine from the premises, because the space in the garage was needed. Ah well, whatever.

When we had him on the Amp Hour I think he revealed he was single, also on a live show I think. So last I heard, ladies, start lining up  ;D

Regarding the mailbag. If I watch the videos I watch them with my hand on the mouse to jump forward when letter reading comes up. I manage to finish watching a 45 min mailbag video in 15 min.  More time spend with the gadgets than the letters would be fun.

Yeah, I'm a bit more mindful of that now.
I wish there were more automated ways for people to skip bits of content they don't have any interest in.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2013, 07:31:06 am »
I like the letters, it's a little bit of human contact in an otherwise very technology oriented forum. I find it interesting to know what people are working on, what interests them, and why they felt each item was worth a little bit of exposure.

Take out that part, and the mailbag section loses a lot of context. Why exactly have people from all over the world conspired between them to send in an odd-looking board that somebody made, a broken gadget off Ebay and a tool that I've never felt the need for in 20 years of tinkering with electronics? To me, their context is much more interesting than many of the items themselves.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2013, 09:24:26 am »
I like the style of the last mailbag video: showing the letter for some seconds and Dave tells some highlights of it. Watching a letter while Dave reads it in full confuses me, because I can read faster than listen, if I'm interested in the full letter, but not if someone reads it at the same time :)
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2013, 10:11:10 am »
Yeah, Dave, you keep telling everyone how hard it is. The forum-ites know how it really goes

Now look at that yo-yo, that's the way you do it
You solder circuits on the EEV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free

Naw that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya that guy ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your index finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

He gets to teardown microwave relays
High precision Agilents and old HPs
He gets to outwit Aussie eBayers
His trash room's filled with colour TV's

See the little maggot with matching Terahertz scopes
Yeah buddy that's not his only pair
That little maggot got his own YouTube show
That little maggot rides a C5 Sinclair

He gets to teardown Jedi lightsabers
Fight with customs for deliveries
He gets to fence with the YouTube nitwits
His trash room's filled with Maseratis

I shoulda learned to to do gate arrays
I shoulda learned to solder some
Look at that mailbag! Somebody sent an ICBM!
Man, wish I could have one!

And he's up there wearing ... Hawaiian flipflops?
Tarp across his carpet to catch whatever springs free
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your kicks for free

He gets to teardown nuclear footballs
He hires people to solder up his PCBs
He's never used an autorouter
His trash room's filled with Delorean debris

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You solder circuits on the EEV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2013, 10:42:56 am »
He has never used an autorouter? Maybe Altium Designer crashes too frequently, so that the autorouting process would never finish :-DD But I use it all the time with Eagle, mostly for first revision prototypes where a good layout doesn't matter. One of my boards, with only minor manual routing:

Of course, if I have the time, and if I want it nice, I do route by hand: http://www.frank-buss.de/c64/pla/index.html
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2013, 11:42:35 am »
Yeah, I'm a bit more mindful of that now.
I wish there were more automated ways for people to skip bits of content they don't have any interest in.
How about links in the description to the various items as a kind of table of contents, or 'click here to skip the letter' annotations? I think another video blogger (Martin?) did the TOC in the description thing at some point. Putting in annotations might be a fair bit of work, though.

In general navigation in videos is an unsolved problem in my opinion, and a definite disadvantage of video compared to text-based media like blogs or books. It's not very easy to skim a video. I would have expected the work experience students at Youtube to have come with a solution for that by now.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2013, 12:34:17 pm »
I actually liked reading the letters in the parcels, as it quite often explained the whole project, and more importantly WHY the project was developed in the first place. That said, I do think some letters can have some fluff/padding that isn't really needed.

I would think that the best way that you could get around the letter issue is to possibly scan the letters and link to them in the description, so that if a particular project catches your eye, you can go read more about it, and track it back to the authors website if there is one available.

as to the amount of parcels you are receiving, could Dave possibly organise some online Queuing service that you have to register to to be able to send the parcel to Dave, so that he doesn't have a build-up of parcels on the shelves, and the sender would have some idea then when Dave is going to get to the parcel.

<MatCat> The thing with aircraft is murphy loves to hang out with them
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2013, 03:27:09 pm »
I wonder how many people here are too young for the reference?

Our "safety guy" put up monitors playing some safety videos with characters that look like those of the Dire Straits video.  I thought it would be a funny joke to put an audio player up with the song, but then I realized that the 20 somethings we have working in the plant wouldn't have the slightest idea what it was.  Man, I'm old.

Yeah, Dave, you keep telling everyone how hard it is. The forum-ites know how it really goes

Now look at that yo-yo, that's the way you do it
You solder circuits on the EEV
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free

Naw that ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya that guy ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your index finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

He gets to teardown microwave relays
High precision Agilents and old HPs
He gets to outwit Aussie eBayers
His trash room's filled with colour TV's

See the little maggot with matching Terahertz scopes
Yeah buddy that's not his only pair
That little maggot got his own YouTube show
That little maggot rides a C5 Sinclair

He gets to teardown Jedi lightsabers
Fight with customs for deliveries
He gets to fence with the YouTube nitwits
His trash room's filled with Maseratis

I shoulda learned to to do gate arrays
I shoulda learned to solder some
Look at that mailbag! Somebody sent an ICBM!
Man, wish I could have one!

And he's up there wearing ... Hawaiian flipflops?
Tarp across his carpet to catch whatever springs free
That ain't workin', that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your kicks for free

He gets to teardown nuclear footballs
He hires people to solder up his PCBs
He's never used an autorouter
His trash room's filled with Delorean debris

Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You solder circuits on the EEV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free
Money for nothin' and your kicks for free


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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2013, 07:58:03 pm »
Maybe Dave can just summarise the letter with 2-5 sentences? That would be  a compromise....

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2013, 06:58:12 pm »
I vote for compromise.

Dave does his thing according to Dave and the malcontent viewers compromise by skipping what they don't want to view.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #26 on: August 27, 2013, 03:29:36 am »
Personally i don't understand why all the hate for letters/postcards? Its Daves eevblog mail segment after all. And he docent force you to watch them after all  :palm:

Ok, this is just my opinion, but i rather enjoy those letters and postcards.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2013, 04:34:35 am »
Dave is driving this bus and I'm just along for the ride.

But I do like the mailbag segments as they are. IMO it adds personality and flavor, two qualities that are hard to come by on the Internet of Mostly Crap. It was Dave's soldering videos that led me here, but it was the mailbag videos that made EEVBlog seem down to earth and welcoming - a large part of why I stayed.

If people don't like it, then they aren't forced to watch those. Its OK to skip sometimes! I find some of the gear teardowns boring so I zip through them (I just don't see myself needing to deal with a 50 year old scope, ever)... but I wouldn't ask him to stop doing those just because *I* don't like them.

Everyone has their own preferences.

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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2013, 05:07:28 am »

Personally i don't understand why all the hate for letters/postcards? Its Daves eevblog mail segment after all. And he docent force you to watch them after all  :palm:

Ok, this is just my opinion, but i rather enjoy those letters and postcards.

I only scanned this thread so, I am not responding to all posters. 
I think all the gripping is pathetic. 
From what I have seen Dave likes postcards, and the whiners got him to post his last postcard video on another channel.  Everyone in that decision should be ashamed of themselves. The most that should have happened is to ask that the videos with a lot of postcards have the meta tag of postcard. I was personally discussed that people have browbeat Dave into segregate what he likes to another venue. As far as I can tell it was fuel buy a bunch off self cantered lazy idiots that are not able to use the scrub bar to skip what they don't like.
This VBlog is free to watch, Dave is not your employee to demand tailored content from. Why can you whiners be happy Dave provides the content you do like and quietly tolerate what you personally don't like. I am sorry that I am compelled to talk to you like children, but you are acting like spoilt children. 
If Dave decides to sell content interests then the investors have a right to a say. Lets say $2,500/year for a 1% influence in content. But Dave has already decided not to become commercial like Ben, so this point is moot. 

I personally appreciate all the content Dave's content. It is very apparent that making the content is something he enjoys. It is also very obvious when he is browbeat into something. Every time there is a dip in passion I have always found threads like this complaining about something that caused a change. Don't you whiners realize the one sure way to ruin this VBlog is to kill Dave passion for the content he makes? There are so many failed and failing podcast that are passionless drivel. Just stop! 

I am sure Dave appreciate hearing what you like, and suggestions presented tactfully. It is disappointing to read very few positives and way to many complainers. 

Thank you Dave for your all your videos. I am not a fan of postcards. I do like the postcard videos because you are so interested in them. It is also interesting to see the different places you get cards from. After traveling so much for so many years it is nice to see postcards from places I will never go again. I have gotten very tired of travel and have almost completely stopped these days. 

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2013, 11:30:49 pm »
I'd be more likely to send a postcard if I knew it was going to be read out loud rather than just stuck to the board.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #30 on: August 27, 2013, 11:53:40 pm »
I vote for compromise.

Dave does his thing according to Dave and the malcontent viewers compromise by skipping what they don't want to view.

This. However, I do agree with Stonent and that you're probably going to get more interesting things to read if there was actually a chance it'd be read outloud.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #31 on: August 28, 2013, 01:27:38 am »
Personally I like the letters and postcards because it allows us an insight into another aspect of Dave's life and thankfully one that he's prepared to share. It's part of his personal interaction with others and more often than not it shows us how all how he inspires so many people in the electronics world. Some might argue that the forum provides that feedback but the reality is that taking the time to type or hand write a letter and physically post it shows a level of personal engagement that a forum cannot ever provide.

If people just want to look at gadgets then they should switch over to the home shopping channel.

And as for complaints about mispronunciation of names and places... some people need to get over their bigotry. Australian place names are as hard as anywhere to pronounce and we don't get offended and have a sook when foreigners mispronounce them. And as for the "Australia, not Austria"... I was in Austria 2 weeks ago and had a great laugh at all their "Austria, No Kangaroos" paraphernalia so obviously there are a lot of people who cannot tell the difference between the two places and at least it shows that the Austrians have a sense of humour over that.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #32 on: August 28, 2013, 02:23:49 am »
Just keep doin' whatcha doin' Dave.... :-+

I still vote for a "Mailbag" marathon! ;D

More Mailbag! 8)

Still watching....Whatever it is....

Offline scratch_monkey

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #33 on: August 28, 2013, 10:49:17 pm »
Hi guys.

Been watching for a while but not registered to forum.

I liked the mailbag as it was, thats why I kept watching. I don't know how much extra work it would be to put the postcards as a separate vid, but from a viewer perspective it would be the best choice, as the intrested people can watch, and the others not.

I still think the letters sent with items should be shown, even if just for a few seconds so people can pause and read.

People can skip the content they don't like, but they cannot watch content that is not posted.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #34 on: August 29, 2013, 01:11:13 am »
I voted to just open the package but the more I think about it that would just be rude.  I think you should at least read part of the letter and acknowledge the sender.  But please no more postcards, as a Ham Operator I have thousands from every part of the world so it's really boring for me. ( :-[ Selfish)
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #35 on: August 29, 2013, 01:43:04 am »
I liked the mailbag as it was, thats why I kept watching. I don't know how much extra work it would be to put the postcards as a separate vid, but from a viewer perspective it would be the best choice, as the intrested people can watch, and the others not.
People can skip the content they don't like, but they cannot watch content that is not posted.

You'd think that's the way the world would work, but sadly it doesn't for many people, as evidenced by several other threads at the moment (and plenty before that) of people complaining about content they don't like.
There are many incredibly selfish people out there who want ONLY the content they "signed up for" spoon fed to them. Everything else they deem as crap, a waste of my time, evidence of my "channel going down hill"/"not as good as it used to be"  :blah:

Anyway, as the content producer, that burden is mine and mine alone.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #36 on: August 29, 2013, 02:13:33 am »
"The content they signed up for"

Yeah, there's a problem right there: are you meant to know what was going on inside their individual heads? Or really (beyond a modest prudence) even care? This is your life!

I've taken to calling a few people in my life "hokey" in passing, as in "I see your point, hokey" or "I'll get right on that, hokey." It doesn't seem to register with them, like some SAT [vocabulary test] word they don't know-- or maybe they assume it's a Southernism for "okay" (I deliberately slip some Dixiana in when I think a Yankee might be feeling intimidated or defensive) In actuality, I mean "hokey" as in "hokey pokey", because obviously "they're who it's all about".

Even if you were the slave of your audience, someone else might have signed up for the very stuff they disdain. That thought would never occur to a hokey, nor would they care.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #37 on: August 29, 2013, 01:16:16 pm »
You'd think that's the way the world would work, but sadly it doesn't for many people, as evidenced by several other threads at the moment (and plenty before that) of people complaining about content they don't like.
Anyway, as the content producer, that burden is mine and mine alone.

One of these people complained about the mailbag video in which Sagan appeared.   Dave replied "well, it was either a video with Sagan, or no video at all."  This idiot replied "well, I wish it had been no video."

Uh, what kind of stupid does one have to be to not realize that if one doesn't watch a video, the result is indistinguishable from the case in which that video was never made?   What kind of arrogant <insert appropriate epithet here> would rather there not be a video he or she doesn't like rather than simply not view it? 



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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #38 on: August 29, 2013, 01:33:13 pm »
One of the issues is that video navigation in Flash or HTML5 video players on sites like Youtube sucks. Skipping forward or backward is unreliable (the player might decide to reload the stream or just start from the beginning), clumsy (clicking/dragging across the progress makes it very easy to overshoot and does not provide any history of where you came from) and it provides no useful index. The thumbnails help a little, but are not always available and their time resolution (something like 30s?) is often too low. It surprises me how little progress we have made in the past ten years or so with video navigation on the internet.

There's not much that Dave can do about it, but it makes the medium of video much less suited for just watching what you want than say skimming a textual blog for things that look interesting and then backtracking to read what's shown in that picture. Of course not watching a video is always an option, especially with things like the post cards video, but I thought that the popularity was one of the reasons for Dave to do the mailbag videos at all.

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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #39 on: August 29, 2013, 01:48:20 pm »

One of the issues is that video navigation in Flash or HTML5 video players on sites like Youtube sucks. Skipping forward or backward is unreliable (the player might decide to reload the stream or just start from the beginning), clumsy (clicking/dragging across the progress makes it very easy to overshoot and does not provide any history of where you came from) and it provides no useful index. The thumbnails help a little, but are not always available and their time resolution (something like 30s?) is often too low. It surprises me how little progress we have made in the past ten years or so with video navigation on the internet.

There's not much that Dave can do about it, but it makes the medium of video much less suited for just watching what you want than say skimming a textual blog for things that look interesting and then backtracking to read what's shown in that picture. Of course not watching a video is always an option, especially with things like the post cards video, but I thought that the popularity was one of the reasons for Dave to do the mailbag videos at all.

The issue where the viewer uses a bad streamer instead of a downloader may be valid, but still self cantered, be it to a slightly lower degree. 
Yes postcards are popular but it is difficult to defend something against the overly vocal complainers. 

Don't mind the postcards in a separate video, I'm disappointed that it was pushed off to an "alternate channel". 


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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #40 on: August 29, 2013, 02:16:42 pm »
The issue where the viewer uses a bad streamer instead of a downloader may be valid, but still self cantered, be it to a slightly lower degree. 
I don't think Dave gets ad money for downloaded videos, so it's kind of in his interest to make the experience with the Youtube player acceptable ;).

Don't mind the postcards in a separate video, I'm disappointed that it was pushed off to an "alternate channel".
I don't mind video's that don't interest me in the EEVblog channel either. I don't care for the postcards, but I certainly don't mind scrolling past it on Youtube.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #41 on: August 29, 2013, 07:16:51 pm »
I wonder how the split between actual engineer and hobbyist would be?
Perhaps the professionals just want the technical content and the hobbyists want everything.
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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2013, 03:53:58 am »

The issue where the viewer uses a bad streamer instead of a downloader may be valid, but still self cantered, be it to a slightly lower degree. 
I don't think Dave gets ad money for downloaded videos, so it's kind of in his interest to make the experience with the Youtube player acceptable ;).

I don't think we are taking about the same thing here. 
I was referring to the youtube viewers that download the content for offline viewing.  Often called offline down loaders. 
I know that the current youtube stream delivery algorithm is horrid even without using scanning. 
During certain daily scheduled times youtube is completely unusable unless one nerfs the stream to very low resolution.


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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #43 on: August 30, 2013, 03:58:06 am »
I'm not disputing that these players work better. But they directly grab the mp4 file from Youtube, so this is likely not counted as a view by Youtube and since Youtube displays ads via the Flash player, they won't get counted as ad impressions either.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2013, 10:33:51 am by alm »

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Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #44 on: August 30, 2013, 04:38:12 am »

I'm not disputing that these players work better. But they directly grab the mp4 file from Youtube, so this is likely not counted as a view by Youtube and since Youtube displays adds via the Flash player, they won't get counted as ad impressions either.
Well I hope youtube fixes their problems so I can stream again so my views count. 
Until then the authors will have to make due with my god thoughts.  :)

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #45 on: August 30, 2013, 06:00:02 am »
I'm not disputing that these players work better. But they directly grab the mp4 file from Youtube, so this is likely not counted as a view by Youtube and since Youtube displays adds via the Flash player, they won't get counted as ad impressions either.
Since I installed Ad Block Plus, I don't see any Youtube ads anymore, which is really nice. But I do support eevblog with a small monthly Paypal donation (and I do this often for other projects as well, if they are interesting for me and if they have a donation button), so I don't have a bad conscience not watching the ads :)
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #46 on: August 30, 2013, 09:10:35 pm »
You'd think that's the way the world would work, but sadly it doesn't for many people, as evidenced by several other threads at the moment (and plenty before that) of people complaining about content they don't like.
There are many incredibly selfish people out there who want ONLY the content they "signed up for" spoon fed to them. Everything else they deem as crap, a waste of my time, evidence of my "channel going down hill"/"not as good as it used to be"  :blah:

Anyway, as the content producer, that burden is mine and mine alone.

Dave welcome to the world of being a Celebrity.  If your doing this as a profession then at some point it's no longer just about what you want, it's more about what the viewers want.   You’re now treading in very treacherous waters my friend.
Give the Mob too much of what they want and they get bored. (AKA what's happening with Mythbusters and explosions)
On the other hand don't give them enough of what they want and they also leave.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #47 on: August 30, 2013, 09:32:28 pm »
You're dealing with two camps who have different desires.

In the first camp you have the people who spend money to send in items for the show (like me) who kinda expect at least that they get some air time with their letter or postcard. I mean it does cost more than a couple of dollars to send a package to Australia. If it weren't for us there wouldn't even be a Mailbag show.  :)

In the other camp there are people who don't give a shit about the letters, all they want is to jump head-first into a technical dissection of whatever is in the box.

I would suggest that people just FF to whichever part you want to watch.  8)

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #48 on: August 31, 2013, 07:13:48 am »
You're dealing with two camps who have different desires.

In the first camp you have the people who spend money to send in items for the show (like me) who kinda expect at least that they get some air time with their letter or postcard. I mean it does cost more than a couple of dollars to send a package to Australia. If it weren't for us there wouldn't even be a Mailbag show.  :)

In the other camp there are people who don't give a shit about the letters, all they want is to jump head-first into a technical dissection of whatever is in the box.

I would suggest that people just FF to whichever part you want to watch.  8)

The two camps are differing in size, 87% (a whopping majority) agree with you and the other unlucky 13% are either trolls, selfish or socially undeveloped, why else would they want just their interests to be represented and deny the majority theirs? 
"TEPCO Fukushima you long time"
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"For starters : you're Canadian...."

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #49 on: September 01, 2013, 06:17:03 am »
I think Dave's charm is in his diligence and dedication to giving every piece attention.

When I saw my first "mailbag" I couldn't believe he was going to the trouble of opening the thing and reading the letters to us and going through the contents. My expectation (not knowing EEVBlog very well at the time) was that he would edit the video such that it would be "Here's a box, and here's a summary of what's inside."

I'll admit that sometimes while watching a mailbag I feel like "Just get on with it, already..." but that's why we have the position tracker: to jump forward or back.

My one suggestion would be that if Dave did want to get through the enormous backlog a little quicker to consider doing a summary and show the letter on screen for a few seconds. Someone said earlier that viewers who want to read it can pause and read at leisure. That would save a few minutes in the video perhaps, viewers get the full information, and Dave can get through more mail items.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2013, 01:22:26 pm »
My hope,

Obvious corporate letters, No.
Personal Letters, Yes
Postcards are personal letters. :)
Before this, there was a typo.

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2013, 03:17:55 pm »
Since I installed Ad Block Plus, I don't see any Youtube ads anymore, which is really nice. But I do support eevblog with a small monthly Paypal donation (and I do this often for other projects as well, if they are interesting for me and if they have a donation button), so I don't have a bad conscience not watching the ads :)

You can select adblock Plus to not block ads on eevblog's youtube IIRC.  Hell, if I like a video, I'll click on an ad just to see what it is.  ;)  That makes me happy, and Dave happy.  And I'd say all is right with the world.   O0

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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #52 on: September 14, 2013, 10:23:12 am »
I'm not personally that interested in the content of the letters; however people who send stuff in take the time and effort to not only send things, but also to write a letter and I think it's nice that they get to hear them read out on in the videos (and I'm glad Dave seems to have as much trouble falling over words, when reading out loud, as I do).  It doesn't kill me to listen to a letter being read out, it's not like it's every single video Dave puts up.
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Re: Mailbag - reading the letters or not
« Reply #53 on: October 16, 2013, 04:03:30 am »
Perhaps Dave could put annotation links to the item opening video time during the letter reading parts of the video to skip ahead.

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