Personally i don't understand why all the hate for letters/postcards? Its Daves eevblog mail segment after all. And he docent force you to watch them after all 
Ok, this is just my opinion, but i rather enjoy those letters and postcards.
I only scanned this thread so, I am not responding to all posters.
I think all the gripping is pathetic.
From what I have seen Dave likes postcards, and the whiners got him to post his last postcard video on another channel. Everyone in that decision should be ashamed of themselves. The most that should have happened is to ask that the videos with a lot of postcards have the meta tag of postcard. I was personally discussed that people have browbeat Dave into segregate what he likes to another venue. As far as I can tell it was fuel buy a bunch off self cantered lazy idiots that are not able to use the scrub bar to skip what they don't like.
This VBlog is free to watch, Dave is not your employee to demand tailored content from. Why can you whiners be happy Dave provides the content you do like and quietly tolerate what you personally don't like. I am sorry that I am compelled to talk to you like children, but you are acting like spoilt children.
If Dave decides to sell content interests then the investors have a right to a say. Lets say $2,500/year for a 1% influence in content. But Dave has already decided not to become commercial like Ben, so this point is moot.
I personally appreciate all the content Dave's content. It is very apparent that making the content is something he enjoys. It is also very obvious when he is browbeat into something. Every time there is a dip in passion I have always found threads like this complaining about something that caused a change. Don't you whiners realize the one sure way to ruin this VBlog is to kill Dave passion for the content he makes? There are so many failed and failing podcast that are passionless drivel. Just stop!
I am sure Dave appreciate hearing what you like, and suggestions presented tactfully. It is disappointing to read very few positives and way to many complainers.
Thank you Dave for your all your videos. I am not a fan of postcards. I do like the postcard videos because you are so interested in them. It is also interesting to see the different places you get cards from. After traveling so much for so many years it is nice to see postcards from places I will never go again. I have gotten very tired of travel and have almost completely stopped these days.