
Has anyone tried this 60 MHz battery powered bench top 250 Msamples/s?

I liked it because it is battery powered.
1 (33.3%)
I do not like it that it is not 1 GSamples/s
2 (66.7%)

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Author Topic: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope  (Read 5372 times)

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Offline LawsenTopic starter

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Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:24:48 am »
I like the Owon 6062ST oscilloscope, because it has a battery power option.  It is not as fast as Rigol DS1052 oscilloscope at 1 GSamples/s.  Has anyone tried the Owon.  Owon is a smaller test and measurment selection compared with Rigol, which makes a larger variety like Tektronix was in the past in Portland, Oregon or Hewlett-Packard, before they fled to Agilent to be away from the merger with Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation.  The merger brought huge layoffs at Hewlett-Packard, terrible.  Has anyone tried the Owon 6062ST? 

Lawsen Lew

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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2011, 10:35:39 am »
250Msamples is a bit low to get 60Mhz.

A 60mhz signwave would only get 4 points plotted per cycle, which isn't going to look like a signwave.
You really want 10 or more samples per waveform, so 250Msamples is really only going to display something useful up to 25mhz

So i'd look at that scope like it's 25mhz.

Its only got 6k memory per channel which may get quite annoying.

How much can you get that scope for? Quick google seemed to say its around $700 which IMHO is far too expensive for those specs
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 10:43:13 am by Psi »
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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2011, 03:34:12 pm »
Concur with Psi.  Labeling this scope as 60 MHz while doing 250 Ms/s rate means someone, maybe Owon, is not being upfront about its capabilities, and possibly hiding even more handicaps.

250Msamples is a bit low to get 60Mhz.

A 60mhz signwave would only get 4 points plotted per cycle, which isn't going to look like a signwave.
You really want 10 or more samples per waveform, so 250Msamples is really only going to display something useful up to 25mhz

So i'd look at that scope like it's 25mhz.

Its only got 6k memory per channel which may get quite annoying.

How much can you get that scope for? Quick google seemed to say its around $700 which IMHO is far too expensive for those specs
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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2011, 07:25:04 am »
Concur with Psi.  Labeling this scope as 60 MHz while doing 250 Ms/s rate means someone, maybe Owon, is not being upfront about its capabilities, and possibly hiding even more handicaps.
I don't agree.  While not as good as having 10 samples per waveform, that's a much more accurate assessment than Fluke's claims for their Scopemeters.  The Fluke 120 series samples at only 25 Ms/sec, yet is claimed to have 20-40 MHz bandwidth  :o  The Owon may be a lousy scope, but I wouldn't hold their specs against them.

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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2011, 09:30:20 am »
Just because others do worse doesn't mean 60 MHz bandwidth with 250 MS/s is in any way good, especially not for non-continuous signals. I'd stay away from it.
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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2011, 12:08:11 pm »
Its not the idea that's faulty, its the spec. Then I would stay away from those 120 Scopemeter's too or derate them to 4 MHz. FWIW it was designed in 2002 or thereabouts, where it was common to quote the repetitive sampling rate as the key feature related to frequency response.

The 190 is a better machine.

However, if you need to use a safe industrial portable scope to 4 MHz, Fluke's scopemeters 120 have very few competition.


Concur with Psi.  Labeling this scope as 60 MHz while doing 250 Ms/s rate means someone, maybe Owon, is not being upfront about its capabilities, and possibly hiding even more handicaps.
I don't agree.  While not as good as having 10 samples per waveform, that's a much more accurate assessment than Fluke's claims for their Scopemeters.  The Fluke 120 series samples at only 25 Ms/sec, yet is claimed to have 20-40 MHz bandwidth  :o  The Owon may be a lousy scope, but I wouldn't hold their specs against them.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 12:35:01 pm by saturation »
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Re: Owon PDSEDU 6062ST oscilloscope
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2011, 01:01:30 pm »

Owon is a smaller test and measurment selection compared with Rigol, which makes a larger variety like Tektronix was in the past in Portland, Oregon or Hewlett-Packard, before they fled to Agilent to be away from the merger with Compaq and Digital Equipment Corporation.  The merger brought huge layoffs at Hewlett-Packard, terrible.
They may have the range that Tek and HP once had (although I doubt that, probably just the popular low-hanging fruit). but they certainly don't have the quality. From what I've heard (never felt compelled to spend my own money on one of those), they are a definite step down from Rigol, let alone top brands.

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