The "zoomed" line rate & burst pictures would be regarded as usable in the TV industry,but the first picture, of a field,is approaching being useless.
You may be able to see 50Hz "hum" with it,but any artifacts in the field sync/blanking interval would be impossible to discern.
Note also the sinewave shaped shading at the bottom right hand side of the pix.
Of course first picture is useless. It is just for show what is
single shot realtime capture behind next images.
How it can understand next images if there is not this information what is first single shot captured before zoomed inside to sample buffer.
Even with this first "useless" image it was propably misunderstooded?
This first image is capture where from all these next pictures are zoomed. Just for show what memory affct to samplerate. It can single shot capture 20 full field and still all video signal timing details can measure with enough acuracy. (40ns time resolution) This can not at all do with 1M or 2ch 500k sample buffer. Also it is important (if go to higher speed signals) that sample buffer speed is fast. (Rigol and Hantek example and most of others in this entry level class have only very limited (some kilo samples) full speed sample buffer.
All zoomed pictures are zoomed from this one (2 field lenght total) single shot capture. Single shot total amount is 40ms. (20 div where on the TFT is around 15div visible)
This single shot with two channel simultaneously is 2 x 250MSa/s and both channel lenght in sample buffer is 10Msample (what is exactly 10000000 sample).
After this one single shot scope is in stop state and (next pictures) zoomed in to captured signal. In all pictures (stop state) real captured samplerate is 2 x 250MSa/s of course. (display there have wrong information - it show what is samplerate
if scope is running with this horizontal speed used in zoom)
This was not video signal test, it was just show what mean 2 separate simultaneous ADC (not interleaved) and 2x10Msample full speed sampling buffer (memory).
"Note also the sinewave shaped shading at the bottom right hand side of the pix."If you mean this first picture...
There is 10Mega points in capture. On the screen is 7500000 sample. But TFT have 750pixel for 15div.
How you want make image from this. "Maybe" it need drop some samples out? In other case you just see exactly full yellow continuous area and in some other cases it is not welcome. But what is other solution to do this. maybe it need think more than one hour and find that there is small posibilities. How select what samples drop out... we can think displayed is only very slow samplerate, of course. Rest (dropped oout) samples are still in vapture buffer. Now we zoom in and can see more and more these.
This dropping out samples (for rendering image) and how these samples visible in display produce "virtual" aliazing effect need littlebit simple understanding.
It is sometimes good to take piece of paper and pen and try imagine how it go. People who understand this do not look at all these kind of effects in image becouse he understand these nature.