I read the flash memory twice just to be sure it was not getting random errors, and I get some rather strange differences between the flash contents and the RGL file I tried to update the firmware with. Other posts in this thread indicated that there was configuration data at high offsets in the flash, but I have only FF at those locations, and I have several differences at lower offsets. At the lower offsets, all differences seem to be one bit that is set in the rgl and not set in flash, mask 0x04. And then at the higher offsets, areas of FF where the RGL has data. Any ideas for what to do?
Diff at 00102F87 len 00000001 flash: A9 rgl:AD
Diff at 00105787 len 00000001 flash: 49 rgl:4D
Diff at 00107B87 len 00000001 flash: 08 rgl:0C
Diff at 00107F87 len 00000001 flash: 69 rgl:6D
Diff at 0010E787 len 00000001 flash: 08 rgl:0C
Diff at 00114787 len 00000001 flash: CB rgl:CF
Diff at 00118787 len 00000001 flash: E2 rgl:E6
Diff at 0011D387 len 00000001 flash: 68 rgl:6C
Diff at 00121B87 len 00000001 flash: C2 rgl:C6
Diff at 00128387 len 00000001 flash: 29 rgl:2D
Diff at 0012A387 len 00000001 flash: 50 rgl:54
Diff at 0012EF87 len 00000001 flash: 01 rgl:05
Diff at 00131F87 len 00000001 flash: B1 rgl:B5
Diff at 00132387 len 00000001 flash: 28 rgl:2C
Diff at 00132F87 len 00000001 flash: B0 rgl:B4
Diff at 00133B87 len 00000001 flash: 62 rgl:66
Diff at 00134F87 len 00000001 flash: C0 rgl:C4
Diff at 00135387 len 00000001 flash: D1 rgl:D5
Diff at 00137387 len 00000001 flash: 10 rgl:14
Diff at 00137787 len 00000001 flash: 2A rgl:2E
Diff at 00138F87 len 00000001 flash: 42 rgl:46
Diff at 00144787 len 00000001 flash: 71 rgl:75
Diff at 00145387 len 00000001 flash: 93 rgl:97
Diff at 00148F87 len 00000001 flash: B9 rgl:BD
Diff at 0014E787 len 00000001 flash: 5A rgl:5E
Diff at 00152387 len 00000001 flash: 08 rgl:0C
Turned out I was wrong about the rest of the diffs too, I had a small error in my comparison script that only showed the last of a range of errors. Anything after 0x1ff800 in the update file has not been written to flash at all.